
Why isn't he facing criminal charges? Oh right, badge = license to kill

Is this supposed to be some sort of humble brag?

I don’t have the answer to your question, but Dodge was doing EV stuff around that era.

You are either delusional or a troll. And I don’t even know what this means. Do you want it to be a plug-in hybrid?

Amazing that the company which successfully remembered to program fart noises into the car, which is so very necessary to its successful operations, didn’t remember the existence of trains.

So Jaguar?

Collective punishment is never the answer. Not my problem.

even if it became a law, it would probably be enforced along the lines of “dump trucks secure your cargo so you’re not spewing stones at 60mph

Hah.  Bezos isn’t stupid.  He’s a CEO.  That is 100% marketspeak.  Believe zero of it.

The government will be on the hook for any specialty tooling developed and used for the electric version AND the new tooling to build the gas version.

The “go back to South Africa” line is just *chef’s kiss*.

He’s a racist and should go back to where he came from.

It clearly states in the article that the airspace over the fires is restricted, so yes, the drone operator is absolutely to blame here. Terrible take.

This is a really dumb take.

I said when they announced this thing that if they kept the price under $200k, it’d be an absolute home run.

Never expected them to get down to $175k (even if none will ever actually sell at that price).


If there’s still visitors in them...yes?

“Am I doing a good job? Please tell me I’m doing a good job!” ~ Insecure license plate scanner

Yesterday. As a side note, I don’t think this is a guy who visits his kids “daily.”

20 minutes of walking in NYC is nothing

“it’s stupid, it will be mismanaged and only cause inconvenience for rich, not so rich and poor people regressively.”