
Careful! If you put too many lights on your car, Teslas will think it's a parked fire truck and plow right the fuck into you at full speed.

[Wyoming Highway Patrol] pointed to a statute saying “no person shall drive or move any vehicle … with any lamp or device thereon capable of displaying a red or blue light.

GM Cruise isn’t exactly critical to most people, but lately you’d think CEO’s would work a little harder on learning how to read a room.

just bought an Equinox EV for $38.8k before $7500... that’s pretty close

Mpg of HellNo instead of an actual number is the real reason.

*Shrug*. Show me a Mustang GTD you can buy for 350k. All we can really compare right now is MSRP. Chances that the prices the GTDs eventually trade hands for are less than the GT3 RS are pretty slim.

The C6 chassis was released in 2004 and the ZR1 was down nearly 200 hp. I know it’s a big difference, but given how wild the GTD is, it doesn’t seem big enough. 

“Production” Car. 

I’m not going to enjoy the sunrise no matter what time it happens.

It is per billion miles for the model, so the timeline depends on how many are on the road and will shrink as more of them are sold. Carolla drivers will hit that billion, as a collective, much faster than the Corvette drivers. So, if there has been 1 death in a C7 during their study window and the NHTSA estimates all

These are deaths/mile. Altima’s don’t die, they only terrorize.

Well, everybody’s gotta work for somebody, and jobs aren’t always easy to come by. I’m not gonna blame them for taking the job.  By all accounts, it’s horrible to work for Tesla, so if they took the job and kept it, there likely weren’t a lot of other options available at the time.

Driving in the daylight and driving in the dark aren’t the problem for me.  It’s driving at sundown and sunup that are the problem -- especially when that damn daystar is right in that spot right between the dash and the sun visor where it’s impossible to block.

I think on the face of it, a Department of Government Efficiency is probably a good idea.

Here’s the funny thing about all the folks who swear that DST is better or worse:

Oooh but that reasoning is exactly why old laws that don’t make any sense in today’s age are still around. Agree to disagree, I don’t hate it enough to care either way, but am willing to give it a shot.

I didn’t think the leopard would eat *MY* face!

People working for a man who routinely fucks people over suddenly shocked to find themselves being fucked over.

It’s fascinating Voyager 1 & 2 are still operating and how far they have travelled.  I remember learning about them in elementary/middle school in the 80s.

Good idea, but we should actually make Daylight Standard Time the actual Standard time.