
Anywhere else it’s just sparkling stellantis. 

According to the Tesla owner’s manual, “Vehicle functions, including some safety systems and opening or closing the doors or windows, may be limited or disabled when installation is in progress and you could damage the vehicle.” Janel chose to heed Tesla’s warning and did not attempt to open her doors or windows

No idea about the Norwegian wood. But I do build a lot of things out of Swedish chip wood. They hold up ok, as long as you don’t move it from where it was originally placed.

I know people seem to like piling on Buick. But I think this looks pretty good. Granted its not exactly my style but I think these will do well. 

Had a Model 3 and sold it primarily because of Elon (also because the quality was laughably bad). I could no longer stand driving a car around that was a symbol of him, and I’m happier for getting rid of it. 

There are some people who want cars built by a white supremacist POS con-man. But they don’t want EVs.

Tesla is more like Apple or Nintendo than a car company.

As it seems to be with a lot of supposedly advanced tech these days, it’s all just smoke and mirrors with real people still doing the hard work.

It’s almost like this complexity and obfuscation is by design, so that when the music stops, everyone is pointing fingers at someone else, until the real owner is traced back to a parakeet with a PO box in Panama.

In 2002, when a freight barge took out a bridge section of I-40 in far east Oklahoma over the Arkansas River, killing 14 people.

If a single accident puts them, pun intended, underwater...sorrynotsorry..., then maybe they’d have more incentive to hire the best crews and use the best maintenance schedules instead of the cheapest/least caring, and running everything until it breaks. It would encourage them to be better, not run everything down to

As per OP, as the Kona is very much Civic-sized.

The Bolt did all that 5 years ago.

If you’re in the path of totality - prepare for the world to stop when it goes total. For instance, many restaurants had signs that there were going to close for about 15 minutes around the time to totality so their employees could watch. I think this is good, btw, for most it’s a once in a lifetime experience.

I would say for everyone just pull over long in advance and just watch the spectacle. It’s kind of shocking that the venn diagram of (people who will be in the area of the eclipse) and (people who are aware of the eclipse) and (people who plan to watch the eclipse) isn’t just a complete circle. I’m traveling quite a

and not the the pretty sky. You know, the same basic principles you use literally every night.

Keep your eyes on the road, turn your lights on when it gets dark, and pay attention to what others are doing and not the the pretty sky. You know, the same basic principles you use literally every night.

Because it was illegal, right up to about the point we hit adulthood, but don’t go checking to confirm exactly when it was repealed, just understand your parents would *never, ever* lie to you, even just to end a stupid argument.

Don’t get used to it until 2026 comes, my friend.

I’m surprised that water-based motors are measured in horsepower, as they’re just average swimmers and probably couldn’t pull very much while paddling around.