
I disagree with the CT4 BW.  I have an ATS-V with the same motor and it is great.  Plus gets pretty good fuel mileage for the performance.

When you own a big block high-torque muscle car

Please. Clean up this article.

Call me crazy, but...

This couple likely doesn’t pay it no matter what percentage it would be.

I think he meant the door fascia; i.e. the door skin. At least that’s my reading.

So do mine, but on a electric vehicles, they are redundant and really only exist because it’s what people are traditionally used to.

Yeah, this. It’s 1 out of 100,000,000 and not 1 out of 25. It's the same odds as rolling a 100-sided die and getting the same number four times in a row.

until those lawsuits come out of their own retirement funds nothing will change. thats just other peoples money they are spending.

Back in the 90s, my friend’s Escort EXP was hit by a firetruck at about 10 mph, but it was enough to make his engine drop down.

This lawyer has a plaque on her office that says “Building paid for by Incompetent Police Officers”

But “US government commits $7.5B and so far only installed one charger!!!!” has so much more clickbait appeal than  “Charger installation has started, 6 years to go”

Should be the first thing you do before potentially racing through intersections and/or weaving through cars. It’s flipping a switch.

The model 3 is only a luxury car by it’s price range. Yes I’ve been in one. 

Calling the Model 3 a luxury sedan is a stretch.  I’ve been in nicer Civics.

That is somehow worst than the actual design.

My dad has a 2021 which I found to be a huge improvement over the previous generation. (We’ve had every suburban gen since the late 90's, in the family). I like this front end, but think I like the pre-refresh a little more. The interior update is nice and the pre-refresh was already a big upgrade there.

The lump is where you place children right before you run them over because you can’t see over that or the giant fucking hood.

Owners can adjust number 2, they just don’t.

ah.. hard to keep up with the latest bullshit