
I don’t think they ever had a patent for double walled vacuum sealed cups or bottles, Stanley had been making double walled vacuum sealed bottles for over 100 years before yeti introduced their cup in 2014. And since a cup is a cup is a cup, unless you copy their shape exactly you’re probably in the clear as thats all

That is why I love it though, its function over form directly related to making the postal worker’s job easier and more comfortable.

Thanks, I love it.

Having never heard of Idaho Springs, Colorado but having visited Colorado Springs a few times, I thought I was having a stroke reading the full name the first time.

A) I doubt this guy sees his kids daily but maybe he does.

I am trying to eat healthy(er), but now i want some very much low quality but still highly tasty and satisfying American-Chinese food from Panda.

I can only assume it was an attempted Jeep wave joke?

while flying his private four-seat aircraft 9,000 feet over Houston, Texas.

He ended the video by saying it “Obviously it is staying in my garage. It will be one of the last cars to leave my garage.

I get big company bad, I really do. But what this article failed to mention, the renovation is going to cost $1.6B, GM is asking for less than 25% of that and then reinvesting future profits from it into city/state educational charities.

I 100% agree modern cars are much much safter.

And the other things conveniently left out of the internet price like an over priced tint package no one asked for and the “Ronald McDonald’s Toyota Care Package” (its just etched windows and the promise free multipoint inspections and tire rotations, a zero dollar value)

So what it seemed to me is that he had security for certain work related things and specifically that meeting, but per their Proxy filing, UHG does did not pay for him to have 24/7 security like most other companies of that size do.

It is crazy to me that United Health Group did not provide personal security for their executives. Last year, Apple paid for $820,000 for security for Tim Cook on his personal time, and somehow Zuck’ gets an allowance of $14M a year for personal security and personal use of Meta’s jets.

That eventually ruined the game for me once my farm got too big to reasonably do the things all by myself.

I would think not, since its inexplicably a horrible acronym which is why Nissan always spells it in all caps. Leading Environmentally-friendly Affordable Family vehicle, LEAF.

First of all, I do hope GM can find jobs for all of the employees, but as stated in the article, that will likely be a lot more difficult for John building the hailing app than it will be for Jane working on the actually autonomous vehicle side of things. (My feelings won’t be too hurt if Mr. Whitten is out of a job,

Probably the right move if they can leverage most of what they learned for passenger cars.

some crap from Abba

I don’t think you can realistically compare the ZR1s development to any of the things Elon talks about being just around the corner.