
Tesla drivers really are something else. Clip number 9 is gold...Tesla did not leave enough distance and had to swerve into another lane to avoid rearending a Blazer...did not check said lane before swerving or they would have seen it was occupied:

Yikes.  All that for 5 grand?

Yeah, it seems like most people missed the brief completely, including the author who then compiled a list of grievances rather than dying trends.

To minimize its impact, much of the Texas train will run on elevated tracks and berms adjacent to existing infrastructure. There will be no “at-grade crossings,” which means the train will never cross traffic, allowing for free movement of wildlife, pedestrians and vehicles.”

I work in the corporate head quarters for my company, and I promise none of us here want raw materials delivered our lobby, no matter how fast the train is.

Considering there is a shortage and after increasing pay they still cannot get enough, it seems like the answer to that question is “no.

I have mine on on purpose. I like that it lights up the area around the rear of the car when walking up. If someone is not able to to figure out if my car is moving or not, thats on them. If they are prowling the lot looking for a spot, good news, i gave them more warning i was leaving.

user name checks out for this post.

MSRP starts at $149 and goes to about $165...but dealers are getting 190-200.

Escalade Vs are selling around the $200k mark as is.  I don’t think anyone expects this to outsell the base model.

Appears to be a Roadmaster Advantage USA 9562 which would put it around 1993.

based on the age of that treadmill, that seems likely.

No one called it vegan leather here other than you.  GM calls it synthetic leather.  GM has been doing it for years under various names and styles.

Then why say it was side swiped?

Meh, she started publicly hinting at keeping the Bolt around for a as long as it has been discontinued and even saying the reason it is being discontinued is because its not on Ultium.

3.5% sounds like an extremely high rate.

I really liked the exhaust note of the Blazer EV in the chase scene.

Luxury pickups started in the 2000s, but 2010-2019 they went from being a Ram/Silverado/F150 with leather to full fledged luxury vehicles.  

I was trying to decide if this was a joke or not given the offender. I concluded it was written by an out of date AI model with no context.