
What killed Jordan Neely was a passenger on the subway who choked him until he was dead.

Oh buzz off with your puns.

I guess you also tell everyone the C8 is on the 60 year old Y platform?

You know the OP “will never own that” regardless of how much better it is than the 3.6 V6 he is apparently so upset because it is now optional instead of standard.

And the diesel Sierra HD AT4X AEV Edition is the heaviest of the bunch, weighing in at 8,605 pounds

This was my first thought as well.

A day after posting about the 15 heaviest EVs, we are back talking about the...most fuel efficient trucks? Ironically, if MPGe was not omitted, the winner of yesterdays list would be ahead of all the trucks listed here.

I dont see how you can tout the success of Android Auto in your reply and then go on to say the maker of that cannot build an interface well.

Its literally a software company building the system.

I took a 6 hour bus ride home after Southwest stranded this holiday season.

So Google has spent billions of dollars and decades of research into software interfaces, GM has spent billions of dollars and over a century of research into vehicle interfaces and controls.

Thats fine, as long as the 250 Tahoes, GLS, Expeditions, Range Rovers and light and heavy duty trucks have zero share of the blame for carrying 1 person to their office job. The guy in a Bolt will definitely get blamed, even though their car only weighs 3,500lbs

While your point is valid its not the point of this post. He literally did not mention anything about reasonably heavy EVs, in the US or elsewhere.

this is clearly an EVs are bad post, so please take your logic else where.

Yeah, the droves of trucks and SUVs spewing exhaust to make it up the ramps with their 6,000 curb weight wont have anything to do with it. It will be the four 6,500 lbs EVs.

As interesting as 64,320 hamsters is, its also interesting that Edmunds lists a 2023 GLS 580 at 5,754 pounds, only 300 less than the EQS SUV.

We get it, your high school crush drove a mustang.

Well, to be fair, now you have to start saying the previous e-class. As I discovered today the peak E-Class design for me was the W212 post face lift and the 2024 model released today continues its downward slide.

Fair enough. I think the double headlight treatment is what dates it for me since the W210-W212(pre) all share that very 1996 feature.

Wow I did not know they made the pre-face lift up until 2012, it could have been at home in 2005. The face lift was a major leap in design for the better in my books.