
@Cheeseslap spanks his ACR for being good: I drive a Grand Caravan, because it was the older of my parent's two cars so they replaced it when I turned 16. It does the job and I love the utility.

@Ian Logsdon: Flags are never supposed to touch the ground.

This is the form-factor I've been waiting for. Thank you Dell.

@adamthiede: Me and all my friends. We hate all of our phones so much.

@digikrynary: No, then it would have the black plastic at the top. No way they stuff a 3G antenna behind the apple logo along with the WiFi one.

@adamthiede: Overclocking doesn't fix the hardware, and it doesn't help the (awful) battery life, although that has improved agood bit with 1.4

@trstn: What if the cord pops out? Not that safe of a plan.

@Manutdfan539: Most probably. I thought the same thing when I saw this on my Studio 15. Same markings.

@adamthiede: Because it's pretty old and the hardware is obnoxiously bad. I own a Pre, I love WebOS, I know that the phone itself is a piece of junk. Flimsy slider, cramped, rubbery keyboard, and a half-inch too small screen.

Very surprised to see Notre Dame on the list of known partners. ND usually seems like a wait-and-see type of licenser.

@Zx3 Fanatic: I have yet to see that. (But want to because Emma Stone is a fox.)

@zachsandberg: I think it's a reference to the book The Scarlet Letter. (I only say this because I'm reading it in English and there's a fat red A on the front.)

@dapper_otter: Yeah it does seem odd. Maybe they figure anyone who will race it has their preference.

I wish this had a 3.5 inch screen. I understand it would be huge, but after a year with my Pre 3.1 is just too small. A permanently stuck open Torch as you say would be a sweet form factor.

@Kerrick Long: Yeah really WTF Apple. And jailbreaking from 4.1 is no fun.

@iAmWillJ: Seriously? ICON FONT?

@A.Jaswal: Can XBLA games go with you? Didn't think so.

@iAmWillJ: Yeah really why can't I have a background.

This dude kicks ass.

This is the best of the entries I've read so far. Great read.