
At least Apple's 30-pin "clicks" into place. microUSB has always fallen out of my phone quite easily. Hopefully the new one "clicks," too.

I am the exact same way! Week 5 is tough, and Week 6 just seems like a killer. Depressing that at 17 I'm already getting killed by this... what do I have to look forward To???

Pretty much exactly what I was going to post.

For what it's worth, this works in Zeam launcher.

Me too! I'm one of the basement-bred car guys, in that I know stats of pretty much anything on the road today, but hand me a wrench and I'll look at you with a mixture of fear and confusion. (That said, actual car knowledge is on my list of things to learn.) I was really big into technology (Gizmodo reader) and

So, basically I'll need a new router on September 30, 2012? Damn.

@ArleenCabango: I'm just going by the specs. On paper, the Xoom has the iPad's number in most every category. Of course, Honeycomb vs. iOS is a big factor, but it looks like a winner.

I miss QR codes... :(

@justin0025: The iPad does a good jop against the PlayBook and Streak, but the Xoom blows it out of the water.

@EstimatedProphet: I did actually try ShootMe, as I read an article that says an Evo quirk is the ability to run that program without root.


@KamWrex: Once again same boat. They really need to release the good stuff in November.

@KamWrex: Same boat. Got my Evo in November.

I wonder if I'll have to leave Sprint to find a worthy replacement for my Evo in the fall. If that's the case, I sure will miss 1-year upgrades.

@YellowRex: So here's how I understand this:

I'm seriously considering a Macbook Air because of the slim profile and instant-on. This fails on the latter count apparently.

@iAmWillJ: Shit, give me cash and let me get that thing I want from anywhere.

There's no way to send video from say, ABC.com or Hulu to one of the hockey-puck Apple TVs is there?