
Needs wider wheels and bigger pipes.

I really like the proportions — very different and very Subaru.

That is... so awesome. Just nasty looking. Love the rear fenders!

For sure not the ones in Grand Caravans. Those suck. My ass hurts after an hour.

This is really for fucking real?

I called this.

That was... not what I was expecting.

@tonyola: Color me impressed.

@The-Simpsons-Rule!!: Genius. I've held that opinion for years. I'd heart click, but it was done some time ago.

@jodark: I see. Makes sense.

So... is this how it's been since Black Stig, or is Schumacher a temp? Or what?

@badco/LoJ: It's for sure a Navigator. The Aviator has a curved corner for the bottom-rear of the second door's glass, while the Navigator's is pointed like on the truck in the pictures.

My dad has a twitter account.

@pauljones: I have to disagree. It's a little... large. The rear wheel looks like it came of a Tata with that huge wagon end.