
If you are ever curious about the current state of hate groups (like the KKK), and want to have you opinion of humanity eroded further, just check out the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hate Map (https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map), with all of its handy links to the tracking that they do on those groups.

1. What does Wayne Simmons have to do with this article/book?

Same thing goes for the C4 and the Saab

I'm glad we're not friends so I don't have to be seen with you in the summer.

There was no SOFA post 2011, that is publicly why we withdrew. I was in Iraq for all of 2011 and was one of the last high-ranging officers to depart in December of that year. I sat on a steering committee as part of the Strategic Framework Agreement team at the US Embassy in Baghdad and I can tell you that the

Oh give me a fucking break.

pretty sure that’s a lambo, jezebel reader.

thats cause it’s not a 918

“Two armed criminals robbed the expensive car late Wednesday night when filming a promotional video, as the camera people at a gas station in Amsterdam-East the Go Pro cameras were hanged. The pair threatened the cameraman and the owner of the vehicle, which at that time was in the car, and then went there with great

After the umpire calls “Play” the ball is alive and in play and remains alive and in play until for legal cause, or at the umpire’s call of “Time” suspending play, the ball becomes dead. While the ball is dead no player may be put out, no bases may be run and no runs may be scored, except that runners may advance

Yeh because people don’t fight at games in Philly or New York or San Francisco or basically any other city in the world that has a professional sports team.

Texas is my home. You’re not very nice. No breakfast tacos and delicious Texas beer for you, sir.

KHOU is a Houston station. There’s also the issue that his vehicle’s speedometer is not a calibrated instrument.

You went to Best Buy? There’s your mistake. Should have gone to the outlet mall in Ogdenville. Could have got a genuine SORNY.

Get over yourself

He’s just one of those ‘Corvette’s are faster than everything!’ ‘Camaros are underrated!’ ‘The Cobalt SRT4 is the greatest FWD car of all time!’ types. Which is fine, people are entitled to their opinions, but don’t you dare praise another car in motorsport and not mention one of the above because then you’re ‘sucking

Ha! The forces with less douches, good one!

I used to deliver cars while I was in College. I could put on a tie and bring a car to a guys house, have him finish some of the paperwork and be on my way. I’d get cash from the dealer based on how far the trip was and I usually would get a decent tip from the customer since they didn’t have to set foot in the

Looks like it is maybe 1/2 PSI low in the back.