also appears, per their own commentariat, that they are deleting comments calling them out on the prior article
also appears, per their own commentariat, that they are deleting comments calling them out on the prior article
Stupid like a fox - let’s see, options are:
I caveat this is purely based on observation and anecdote
Better than an X6
Can we back up slightly and talk more about your roommate selection criteria?
Simple - the power of the union makes material consequences extremely unlikely.
Not sure if Bry follows politics but “people out to get you” and the existence of “things to get” are not mutually exclusive.
Birth certificates have no identifying properties with them.
Mr. Ketchup and Mustard on the left made me long for Sandy Lyle.
New cake shop or franchise - why bother with either when you could get the same return by setting your money on fire?
Due his hashtag i assume the joke was from this wonderful scene from the otherwise very spare Bad Boys II
i am curious for your take on this as a pilot. Is this relatively “easy” for a commercial pilot? I recall all the public gushing over Sully and then heard anecdotes from commercial pilots who said any competent pilot could have performed that landing.
Cuban is a loudmouth publicly but i dont think he berates his coaches - especially Carlisle. Have you ever heard an interview with him? He makes Popovich look warm.
Every generation has bitched about the next/current generation and lamented them as lazy and entitled. So i’ll give them a pass there bc i damn sure will pull that card when i’m 60.
I think which generation ruined/is ruining everything has been decided by every generation - each time with a different answer. Can’t wait until it’s my fault!
i am generally anti-death penalty but firmly believe in immediate upside-down crucifixion for golf tournament screaming guy.
This actually has some useful information so assume it will be violently opposed bc lizard brain
Basically the inverse of what’s happened since Dixon arrived at TCU - a perennially horrible basketball team that went 0-18 in Big XII 3 years ago, which is still probably more impressive than their tenure in the Mountain Effing West (MEWC).
Here is one more - “We know a lot about our area of practice and about as much as you do in every other area of law”
Bad cell connection. He was saying back back back back.