
Yeah this would never happen somewhere peaceful, like the Bay Area.

Miami may be interested, pending reports on his accuracy.

Prolly. Been avoiding it for 30 years.

It’s a contest regardless but the Boxster-esque ass of the Cayman is vile and the Fast and Furious wing does little to help it.

Still one of the more cogent quotes from him i have heard / read. Let us never forget, “i want me some glory hole.”

You are my favorite. As a white kid who occasionally joined friends’ families at churches that were all named some variation of Galilee Antioch Fellowship of New Hope Missionary Baptist, this guide would have been tremendously helpful.

If conservative leanings turn you off you are not going to be a fan of many people in the special forces community.

Always my favorite derp comment, but bonus points for not just listing multiple cars that add up to the price of the one in question.

Is there somewhere that explains all of various racing series and, to be blunt, how this shit works? Been trying to learn more about motorsport and really have interest in the GT/GTLM classes (think i figured out the class differences) but understanding the differences and relative significance of all the racing

Are you really trying to argue the math here? Argue your romantic, nostalgia-driven connection (or connecion, in your case) all you want. Fair points. But the numbers don’t lie. A manual is slower. Reminds me of George Costanza trying to justify hiring the kid with the 2.0 gpa

Apropos of nothing, is there somewhere that explains the various racing series’ and relative importance? Been trying to learn more about motorsport (particularly on the GTLM/GT front) and think I finally understand all of the car classes (though all classes on the track at the same time is not friendly for the newbie)

My dad makes more money than your dad.

There is no place for logic here.

Walker was in Carrera GT that was functioning correctly - albeit with old-ass tires (allegedly) and a driver not capable of handling a very dangerous car at high speed on a public road.

i don’t know what i thought a beta uprising entailed. but it was not that.

If my Craigslist selling experience is any guide, there is a large portion of society that thinks a case of beer is worth $100 - $500.

What’s your favorite part about him? When guys go inside or when they go outside?

Patterson damn near singlehandedly brought the 4-2-5 defense to prominence. They are basically starting the 3rd string across the entire defense...and will continue to do so given that 5/7 missing are out for the season.