
Not sure if it’s been mentioned but the 30 for 30 on Hillsborough is outstanding.

“Nnnnnhh peppermint roll!”

Are you kidding me? Most first place votes and doesn’t win? #SaltyYoungerBrother Explain this.

Just lucky he got bulldoezd and not buckedup or that shit woulda really hurt.

When #77 snaps that guy’s neck and then plays the “he flopped” card is exactly what soccer needs. Oh I’ll teach you to flop bitch.

I’m not really into racing but this guy’s posts sound like the automotive equivalent of the ever elusive Mall Ninja.

This article is pretty much lather rinse repeat over the last several years.

Pete, we remember when you were here and the feeling’s mutual.

I’ve been in the US military for 25 years, if you want to kneel or sit down during the anthem in valid peaceful protest I’ll provide the chair. It’s so disheartening that this guy and others like him have been so ignorantly painted into a corner that they feel as though they need to apologize to the military or that

Saying it’s your “theory” implies that intelligent people didn’t already know everything you theorized concerning Trump’s policies was in fact a known “reality” well before the election.

Ahhhhhh what?

Eskimos Tiger-Cats 1pm on ESPN2

You guys need to hire someone from the military to edit your articles so they sound like they were written by someone who knows what they’re talking about.

I’ve been lazed while flying a helicopter a couple times and in one instance I happened to look right at it with no protection. My eyesight was effected a little for several days and my eyes watered a lot for about 6 months. While flying airplanes over in the desert I’ve probably been lazed 1000 times, they use it

So Turkey has said if Trump is elected they will prohibit all offensive missions out of Incirlik AB against ISIS. Incirlik for those who don’t know is more or less the middle east crossroads for NATO (American) air strikes anywhere in the middle east. We can operate without it but it’s a huge linchpin in everything

I think most of the people responding to Ashley’s lament with their terror are likely millenials and almost certainly Democrats. I’m 50 years old, I’ve been in the US military for 25 years. I cannot wrap my head around what the fuck is going on when so many of the people in this country think a guy who isn’t

I’ve been in the military for 25 years and will turn in my retirement tomorrow if this fucking semi sentient orange tinted jizz stain abomination wins this. There were always going to be the fringe idiots and imbeciles who’d vote for him but what the fuck, is this country really this stupid? How the fuck has he

I think a lot of people forget the year the Browns left Cleveland for Baltimore they’d gone 11-5 the year before and were favored to go to the Super Bowl that year with a team Belichick, Saban, Mangina, Pioli and a few others had built over the prvious 4 years. Modell announced they were moving before the end of the

Drew in those foodspin things you look like you’re pretty tall and you can’t hit a golf ball 275? Are you that uncoordinated? Shit my little sis can rock a 3 wood about that far. Sounds like you need to tighten up those disgusting wickets.