Several Alistair Reynolds series would be very filmable. The Dreyfus books would make a good tv show. As would the Revenger books (maybe animated since they are quite out there, despite being more YA).
Several Alistair Reynolds series would be very filmable. The Dreyfus books would make a good tv show. As would the Revenger books (maybe animated since they are quite out there, despite being more YA).
After seeing Dune I wanted Hyperion to be adapted more than anything else.
I can only assume that those 27 restaurants don’t have a Peruvian chicken place within 100 miles.
Gamer-gate was a test-run for fascist strategies online, and this time next year it’s very possible that this country will be under a fascist dictatorship. That’s why we’re still “in this era.”
Saga being a Black woman is perfectly integrated into the story and even adds to the story during an early investigation scene.
You know what? Even if it were pushing a woke agenda, I'd be fine with that. We have had enough machism, jingoism, chauvinism and racism in our games.
Interesting. Cuz if we’re going on “feels”, it “feels” like you ran into a few issues in the early days of the release that have since been patched. I ran into a couple of annoying Act 3 bugs on my initial playthrough but have played it twice since and had none of the same problems. I’ve had a literal huge amount of…
I haven’t encountered any of these crazy bugs. I played the game 5-6 time start to end in different playthroughs.
So what?
I didn’t start playing it until December after it had seen multiple patches, and while I have encountered various glitches (from relatively minor to some fairly serious ones) and still do to this day (I’m just at the end of Act 2 now), all in all I’ve been extremely pleased with the experience. Perhaps the (well…
Right like IMO the double decker was the GOAT on their menu, followed closely by the shredded chicken burrito and black bean burrito.
This is not the annual “star citizen is expensive” article. It’s the quarterly “star citizen is a scam and the creators belong in jail” article. Get your facts straight. Also, I have a bridge for you, send me a PM.
Go buy some more NFTs my guy.
Perhaps the most ridiculous part isn’t the prices, but that after all this money and all this time, they still haven’t lived up to their original promises. Something that was supposed to happen in 2015.
Okay, but like... *dying*? Just a wee bit hyperbolic, innit? lol
Looks like a place to get your sugar with coffee and cream.
“Maximizing shareholder value” is the biggest turd of corporate speak. As Boeing can attest, it means delivering short-term gains for stockholders (and bonuses for the exec team) at the expense of the company’s long-term health.
I was interested in MGS V before Quiet’s reveal. I had never played MGS before and was curious about it. And then the director, who I had never heard of before that, said that people should be and would be ashamed of themselves for questioning his genius about Quiet’s outift, and I immediately lost interest.
I mean, in all fairness, Microsoft has done a much better job at crushing XBox than Sony, historically.