How are you a scab when its not a union job?
How are you a scab when its not a union job?
They took the VC bonanza when their name became hot and expanded recklessly without a proven customer base. No real need for any explanation beyond that. It doesn’t disprove the need or desire for a variety of meat substitutes, but rather helps pins down the extent of that need. Hopefully they come out on the other…
The most dystopian thing is them pushing VR headsets for workers while still insisting that their own workers come to an office ateast 50% of the time
Mout importantly... Can you order me a hoagie off the internet?
It’s grosser to me that women may be prevented from documenting their experience for fear of providing evidence for their conviction.
I like arc souls, but if I'm not using the new warlock blink mega melee, I feel like I'm leaving something on the table.
maybe it’s similar to one of those other ways you’re supposed to skin cats.
He picks up what looks like a 3 pound bag of carrots and acts like $4 is some sort of God to Abraham scenario.
Well, the fact that they’re issuing warrants and publicizing the case is good news for Chong. Had this been a few years earlier, he might just have been a tic in a pay ledger for “drug pushers” killed by police.
Love instant Pot Stroganoff. One of my worst cooking disasters ever was when I thought I was pouring Worcestershire Sauce into the pot, but it was actually liquid smoke.
I’m just gonna go reread the “Henry Cavill building his own PC” articles to get this nasty taste out of this out of my mouth.
This is just Kickstarter with extra steps.
For me, it’s a little Mexican restaurant that I’ve been going to both with my family as a kid, and as an adult for going on 30 years now: We even followed them to a new location when the outgrew the previous one. The owner would always pull up a chair and shoot the breeze with my dad when he was in, which was pretty…
And it’s recent precedent seemingly tailored to the most recent “worst” shooting. If we respond to each horrific shooting with another set of regulations tailored to the specifics of that shooting, we might end up with a functioning set of gun regulations.
no, because on top of all its other problems, crypto transaction speed is hideously slower than existing credit or debit exchange methods.
I dunno. His sugar momma might not let that fly. Heidi earns the bread in that family.
Just never order one in Britain or Ireland.