The Political Junkie

One of you have to either leave the job or get a transfer. Not worth it.

The smell of justice - I know it well. In my blogging days, Tavis showed himself to be a staunch woman-HATER. And I thought he was so closeted he’d need a GPS to find his way out.

I think someone needs to tell Senator-elect Jones that if he wants to get RE-ELECTED, he’d better stop dissing those who got his ass to the dance and only ‘cause a pedophile wasn’t barely an option for ‘Bama....

Me, neither.

And in that market (Oakland/SF) that’s not necessary...

Damn, Radnich is still there? Thought he retired.

Diddy and Steph Curry are partnering to get this done. The House Negro failed to do his homework and his tap dancing act for Becky leaves me cold.

If she’s upset at the flack she’s getting, then why in the HELL would you make it public knowledge that you voted for the shyt-head, boorish, SOB as POTUS? Most Christians use the term “Christian” like it a “Get-out-of-Jail” free card to excuse their piss-poor decisions.

Only if they can provide the necessary paperwork to prove they need their service animal with them (apart from individuals with disabilities - the animal wears a vest which states its’ a service animal). Some people may, for some psychological reason, actually need their dog with them; and some try to get over.

You had me at: “Ray Lewis has always been a masterful bullshit artist,”. I remember how hard he was praying he wouldn’t get sent to the big house on that murder charge some years ago. 

Well dig up my father and tell him THAT (WWII and Korean Conflict). Dig up my grandfather and tell him THAT (WWI). Dig up all my uncles and tell them THAT (WWII, Korea, Vietnam). Whole lot of brothers and Latino brothers were in the Armed Forces, but to hear white folk tell it, we were nowhere to be found.

I choose option “c”

The new excuse when being caught.

When you don’t want to be labeled “racist” and you don’t want to be “unemployed”, it’s best you don’t post ish like this on Facebook. Sometimes, white “privilege” can’t help you, and we’ve heard the “I’m being framed; someone hacked my account” excuse.

Danielle, holla at your girl! Leutisha Stills, aka “The Christian Progressive Liberal” of “Jack and Jill Politics” leutishastills1@hotmail.com

Must be paying up front - you know how Trump likes to stiff his creditors.

So the former Welfare Queen that Reagan used to hype is now making the rounds. And what is her political relevance these days?

There should be runner-up awards, like Lawn Jockey, Hanky Head and Uncle Ruckuses to go with House Negro. SMDH

He thought through his daughter, he was going to get phat paid. He was trying to pimp his daughter for fame and profit.

He hasn’t caught the charge that would stick to his ass, that’s why.