The Political Junkie

According to the article, the only thing R. Kelly was worried about was catching a charge of statutory rape (checking the age of consent in both states); therefore, he can do immoral acts, but not get charged under the GD law.

Because that’s what carnival barkers do - con people out of their money, their self-respect and everything else until they are broken.

They (Black Republicans) spend too much time trying to be “accepted” by the establishment. They have no clout to demand anything (cough, J.C. Watts, cough), and will as soon kick you OUT of the party if you try to do anything else resembling leadership.

Mine, too. You don’t offer yourself up as the lion’s next meal. That’s what they did, and now they’re pissed because the Carny Barker played them.

Looks like all of them only saw that precious child as a State-approved ATM. If you’re not going to care for your child, give that child to someone who can love, care and bring that child up with everything life has to offer.

The ending of this will be like that “fictitional” episode of “Law & Order:SVU” where the singer who kept going back to her abusive rapper boyfriend, wound up being killed by him on a yacht that was out of the jurisdiction of the American police. Hopefully, Karruche will stay the hell out of his way and do what can

Some “15 minutes” - that’s going to cost them until they’re at least 50; then it can be labeled “a youthful indiscretion” when they run for public office and this is discovered by their opponent.

I’d be fired for allowing it to happen (I work in Civil Rights in my Agency).

If any of those girls in that pic have applied for admission to any college, that college should rescind any acceptances they have given, and state this crap is the reason why.

She gets the last laugh - she’s still gainfully EMPLOYED. Whose going to hire Milo’s self-hating behind?

Dolomite, break it down, just like your namesake would be calling the BS.

But look at far Milo went before the “evangelicals” decided that was too far.

They HAVE to say THAT. It means their Fed Dollars get cut if they don’t denounce crap like this.

Which means, he will get caught...AGAIN. Then what excuse will he come up with? He’s used up all his chits with the congregation, so....

Well, da Lawd has forgiven him, but I bet wifey will make him pay...BIG TIME.


I’m tired of the perspective that we, as Black Women, aren’t allowed to our anger. Eff that; we’re entitled to be angry after 500 years of molestation, abuse and anything else, and we’re still here and still strong.

Well, that’s at least 10% of the House of Reps that won’t be going. All of the House Democrats and at least half of the Senate Democrats should be staying away from the “festivities”.

Dang, listing all of Unca Clarence’s “accomplishments” reminded me why I can’t stand this self-loathing POS successor to Thurgood Marshall.

You win the internets today. I’m sure Cornyn could get a museum for Lawn Jockeys set up if he really wants to.