Yes! Like any other skill — and I think often people who have an easy time with it forget this, but it is a skill — socializing takes practice and work. The later you start, the harder it will be. Not impossible, just harder.
Yes! Like any other skill — and I think often people who have an easy time with it forget this, but it is a skill — socializing takes practice and work. The later you start, the harder it will be. Not impossible, just harder.
I will be forever immensely, immeasurably grateful for my online friends I had about 10 years ago (a lovely little handful of whom have stuck around despite the falling off of where us olds used to hang out online, like various message boards, and especially LiveJournal), a few of whom honestly did directly help me to…
Everything in your comment is good and true.
She totally was! That was my real intro to her (non-voiceover) work, and she was just great.
I’m sorry, baby, I had to crash that Honda.
God, I hope this is true. As if I needed more reasons to love Rihanna, but I’ll always gladly take more.
No one has ever articulated my longstanding deep irritation with NPH as perfectly as your entire first paragraph did, so firstly, thank you for that. You can come sit over here with me, and people can think we’re petty for it if they want, and we won’t care.
I worked with her a bit during her Californication days. She is deeply hilarious and a true delight.
Seriously. This is horrifying to even think about in the abstract, let alone in reality.
I want to scream this in public at every goddamn cyclist who nearly mows me down on the sidewalk, as loudly as possible, and I don’t care how many strangers would gawk at me.
I will never understand the specific, scary, and just horribly inhumane levels of hatred I see in people toward the homeless. I’m more than well aware that I (and my mother; and the two of us together, when I still lived with her) am just one not-even-super-major catastrophe away from living in my damn car. (I think a…
Totally understandable! (That’s another reason why I haven’t adopted one of my own for so long. They need a stable home, too!)
I love this whole little brood, omg!
A few reasons, yeah. For one, she had been through a lot before we adopted her — abandoned by her previous owner, who had overfed and abused her, and mostly just kept her shut in a bedroom all the time, poor baby — and the only time she’d been in a car before coming to us was to be spayed; the second trip was to come…
Aw, yay other Stella! Thank you. I love them both, but it’s nice to have one who’s with me in my home again, while Stella looks after my mom.
Haha thank you! I had to snag that one, that was the first night he was here, and had clearly worn himself out, he just conked out completely on my bed like that.
That’s a really good way to describe it! They really are like mini-panthers, and sort of regal.
All the best people do. ;)
I really hope we are! I think it’s a good sign he settled in so quickly, we really haven’t had any trouble (other than him wanting to run all over and play parkour when he’s all full of energy, but he’s still a kitten, so that’s not really a surprise, lol). He’s currently sitting next to me on my bed purring while I…