
This is why it kind of kills me when people act shocked that celebrities they perceive as cool or somehow friendly to their interests (...why?) are also fairly conservative. The big ones have much, much money than you and me, and generally speaking, the rich tend to lean conservative. And, like you say, most things

I’m so, so sorry that happened to you.

Similar thing happened to the long-time partner of my late uncle, in Europe a few years ago. What was especially shocking was she was over 10 years younger than him, and far, FAR healthier. No one expected anything like that ever happening, but then, boom, she was gone.

I do, but only because we approached it with no seriousness whatsoever. I went with my longtime male BFF (no drama! we did laugh a lot watching all the surrounding drama going on, though), didn’t go to any real expense/were practical with what we did spend, and it was just fun. Then again, that was one of only two

You are a real sweetheart for this (and to remember my posting about my Dad some weeks ago!). Thank you. (Good news: FINALLY got my goddamn period late last night, so on the plus side, I’ll only be dealing with the tail end of it by the time I’m traveling! THANK GOD. It was stressing me out entirely too much. But I

Boy, do I know how you feel. (And I’m sorry, which is all there really is to say, right? I mean, it just... really fucking sucks.) So big solidarity hugs to you.

Ugh, I am so sorry for what you had to go through.

I’m not that into him, though. Which sucks. I WANT to really like someone, definitely who is nice

This week has basically been my personal hell, in many ways, but at least it’s finally over!

This review somehow doesn’t mention at all my favorite absurdly terrible — while trying really hard to be good and Say Something — movie possibly of all time, which is Congo. Which tells me that you probably need to see Congo.

In many cities — particularly as the cost of living continues to increase, and wages remain pretty stagnant — especially big cities, when living alone is a luxury most can’t afford, that’s just how it works much of the time.

I figure it’s as much “the luck of the draw” as any other life situation. Some will be luckier than others.

Not in a good way, though. At least not with Amazon bookstores, which are just slightly this side of “useless garbage,” so far as bookstores go.

Seriously. Amazon = the WalMart of the internet, and it always has been.

I hope not, for her sake, because he is both an asshole and a tremendous creep (particularly about underaged girls).

Good god, why the fuck is this happening in my city, kill it with fire.

I tapped out with Iron Man 3 (which I loved, but mostly because I love Shane Black movies), and I haven’t missed them, nor cared one bit about keeping up, since. I wish I cared even half as much as Nick, honestly, because that would be so much fun! I loved Black Panther, but I had literally seen none of the rest that

Ugh, same. I’ve never been phobic about flying, but I’m literally booked on a Southwest flight to NY next Thursday, so this was... fun to read today.

Ex-law enforcement (via forensics), current book (career) person, but from a military town. And no, I don’t care enough about the JAGs to shit on them, so that’s a swing and a miss.

Seriously, this comment is just... so fucking gross.