
I’m pretty sure that the Doctor’s vicarious reluctance for Ruby to approach her birth mother was projected guilt over his own lapsed relationship with Susan. Since all that got dredged up in not the nicest way, he was very suddenly having to deal with the idea of family both personally and via Ruby, whose adopted

I have loved this stupid show for more than thirty years. I have seen every episode of every Doctor. If you want something that is not nonsensical, illogical, random, and cartoonish, then I would suggest looking for a show other than Doctor Who, which has, frankly, *always* been more fantasy than science fiction (as

In before all the “culture war” nonsense comments- I’m enjoying the series for what it is.

I watched this at the Tivoli in the St. Louis Loop, then imediately afterward walked down the street to Vintage Vinyl and bought the soundtrack.

I was introduced to the film when I was in high school, taking german class, and it was a mind-blowing introduction to modern European cinema and way more interesting than the stupid TV show designed for learners we also had to watch. A couple of years later in University it was one of the first movies I acquired in a

Whatever you’re thinking when you imagine “catgirl”, Izutsumi is treated better here, in design and character, than she would have been elsewhere.

Joseph Campbell was a bigoted fraud and the quicker pop culture abandons the monomyth the better.

You are confusing “having a moral” with “morality.” The Force is amoral. That’s why the Dark Side can use it. That’s why it HAS a Dark Side. The *story* that Lucas was telling *has* a moral. But that doesn’t make the Force an allegory for morality. The Force isn’t an allegory at all. The Force is symbolic for *power*.

I think we will probably be revisiting parts of this flashback with added context as to why the fire was so crazy, why everyone was dead etc. It was clearly not meant to present the full context of that night.

Hey James, now that Gizmodo’s not owned by the herb anymore, how about finally booting the obvious trolls?

What I’m getting here is that we have a story still in the middle and we don’t know enough yet. I’ll withhold any judgements for now.

That said... This feels like Dathomirian apostates. Like wind clan dathomirians who left the planet and ended up here. The similarities in that mummy-wrap attire seem to suggest

I surprised so few people are mentioning that suddenly all the witches are dead, splayed out on top of each other, and the show has already shown us there is a poison that can be made from that tree in the opening of the episode that is explicitly called out again as being deadly/poisonous.

We didn’t know the vast majority of what was given in this episode. We didn’t know Mae and Osha’s relationship dynamic (which will undoubtedly be important). We didn’t know the specifics of the way the Coven (or as you mentioned that there even was a coven) operated and that Mae might be taking after her much more hot

You’re not imagining it, they even show how he gets it in later trailers that we haven’t seen in the show yet.

This was clearly information we needed in order to get the full picture later. Even the episode title tells us that much:

I’m late to the party, but, I do like how the episode expanded on how the Witches view The Force, and helped to explain the visual ‘threads’ of the Nightsisters from Ahsoka.

Oh, my God, are people being dense on purpose? Because the amount of commenters trashing this episode based on how absurd it’s that the relatively small fire started by Mae caused all the destruction and deaths in the Coven’s fortress is astonishing!

Agreed. Especially because we saw Torbin accept the poison in Episode 2. He felt guilt for what happened on Brendok, so the Jedi certainly had more to do with the deaths of the witches than Mae’s fire.

I’m staggered that the takeaways about this episode (from competent writers) seems to be “that’s not how fires work” versus “boy there’s a lot of subjective point of view and something is very off here.” 

Never played the game, still don’t intend to, but damn was this series awesome. I think I need to rewatch season 1 again for a refresher on names and everything, though I do remember the highlights (and who can forget that ending).