The first season is flawless TV, and Smart is absolutely phenomenal.
The first season is flawless TV, and Smart is absolutely phenomenal.
I mean except his monologue where he did make some iffy jokes about people with Down syndrome and used “gay” like it was twenty years ago.
His Herzog is pure hell gold. He does it on a lot of podcasts, but my favorite is when he’s on Doug Loves Movies. “Herzog” doing movie trivia on stage.
I don’t watch live action remakes of animation on principle, due to the whole “animation is brainless fluff for small children, in order to be seen as True Art it needs to be remade into live-action” stigma. Some things work better in animation, it all depends on the story you want to tell and how you want to tell it.…
Sounds like another 10/10 game for me. More FF7 is better than less FF7. I had to wait 20 something years for this, I’ll enjoy all that Square can give me.
The only reason they exist is an opportunity to make money. It’s not any deeper than that. I’ve seen some people online insist that it’s an opportunity for the story to reach a wider audience, but from the perspective of the people making it, a wider audience just means more $$$.
Right, right, there is absolutely nothing fascist about restricting the right to vote or hold office to the people that have gone through the government brainwashing program, and the novel definitely doesn’t glorify fighting and the infantry as the heart of the moral philosophy. It isn’t like the protagonist’s…
Snark aside
“Movie with a previously announced sequel ends with a cliffhanger, in shocking turn of events.”
I have a couple hundred hours into this game now and may have encountered one “game breaking” bug that required me to go back to the latest autosave. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, plenty of people like you attest that it does and I have no reason to doubt it. Of your points the only part I personally experienced…
Hold on, if breathless Kotaku commentors from a month ago are to be believed, it’s like totally coming out this March, but summer the absolute latest!!!
The Billionaire Defense Squad is working overtime today, huh.
She’s a billionaire. This shouldn’t even be a headline.
Maybe we don’t need to hear clips of this one particular song, but I do think more outlets should be covering the weird way that these reality/competition shows play a role in “laundering” dirty politicians. (Sean Spicer also comes to mind.) If the piece were more expansive, that would be beneficial, don’t you think?…
Oh wow, hard disagree.
I really enjoyed the first season. One of those shows that started as a guilty pleasure but actually became good. Kind of like Lucifer.
Erika Christensen does well in a difficult to pull off role too, the tough female cop tormented by inner demons. She sells it
I love this show and I’m glad to see it getting some love here. Agree with everything in this write-up--Ramon Rodriguez is a dream as the title character and the supporting cast is just as good. It’s easy for procedurals to get lost in the shuffle but I think this one stands out.
Did they also sign the Salmon Ladder?