
True, but if you fire somebody with cause it gives them a reason to never hire them again.

Odds are the managers just wanted any excuse to fire him because of his history. Small minded people like that seem to always find a job as a service industry manager. No real power in life so find any excuse to torture the few people you are in charge of.

Those cheap plastic gloves are the worst when also trying to handle cheap knives (cuz cheap owners are gonna be cheap on everything) and you have to play the game of “try not to cut yourself.” I also loved pointing out that we would have to thoroughly wash our hands and then put on a pair of gloves that had been in a

It was the same when I worked in retail with the break-away lanyards. I remember one week where every store got a delivery of lanyards with a stupid promotion tag on it and there were calls and emails from the district manager that everyone had to wear them or else! And then 3 hours later there were emails and phone

This settles it. Dolly Parton for president! (a Dolly Parton drag queen can be her running mate)

That’s ok, they make up for their loss of traction by being as close to your rear bumper as possible in bumper-to-bumper traffic so they can use your car to slow down in an emergency.

He could at least try it on a curve ball, or maybe a slider. Japan has no shortage of professional pitchers.

Yeah, cuz no one bought the last Continental which was FWD. I actually see more of those on the road than any of the current lincolns. RWD and performance and handling are not what Lincoln drivers care about. They care that it’s comfortable, big, and they don’t hear a thing outside the car. Mileage, handling,

Slight correction. We don’t wear pants since it’s a non-family event holiday. So we can’t put hands down said pants.

It’s called Old Man Belt-line. Every year after 70 it goes up an inch. If he makes it to 100 he won’t even need a shirt.

Yeah but less than 10% of CA is a greater population than 50% of Utah. Something to consider is scale. Tho we can’t all be Idaho with their fricken hydro plants everywhere.

I used to work retail and I got 10 paid holidays. Most companies give paid time off for federal/ bank holidays.

All of em, NFL players, baseball, movie stars. Nail all of em.

Now that the Women’s World Cup is over they didn’t need to cover for her anymore. The timing of this pisses me off the most and is a perfect example of how entertainers get their own set of rules. For once I would like to see one of them just get their ass handed to them by a court and then tarred and feathered for

No my review is usually “Took 5 minutes to look up to see they had a customer, was unaware what types of bread they had and put mayonnaise I never asked for on my sandwich every time”

Why take the high road when you can get in that mud!

He may have been fired for being HIV positive or he may have been fired for being the type of person that works at a Subway. I’ve never had a good experience at any Subway. I think they have a policy to hire anyone that got fired from any fast food place.

She was just giving him some acting lessons, cuz after seeing him on the Minority Report, phew, could he use some.