I liked it (and you can definitely tell that the action was coordinated by the guys who did John Wick), but I definitely agree with you.
I liked it (and you can definitely tell that the action was coordinated by the guys who did John Wick), but I definitely agree with you.
The Godfather II of this series? So, it’s an improvement, then? I’m inclined to agree.
So, are you going to link to your source about false rape allegations?
In regards to upgrading to Windows 8, that could be it. I did avoid upgrading to 8.1, because some people have said there are issues with that. Nope, at least none that could be attributed to poor optimization. Hit a couple of lag spikes on Whiteout, but ping wasn't great to begin with. In regards to using a mouse and…
I still don't know where all of this information is coming from or why people are encountering these supposed issues. I hopped on it last night, played a bit of single and multi player and.... nothing. I was playing with everything turned up to the highest possible settings and I experienced no frame rate issues, no…
I bought it last night for PC. I have a 7970, 16gbs of ram and an FX-8300. I played some of the campaign with absolutely no problems, whatsoever. Played online for about an hour, there were some occasional frame drops, but very slight. Just my experience, though I've heard some people's time has been much more…
Not saying it is him or isn't, but there's a two year difference between the videos.
Did you see Hollywoodland? He was the best part of that movie.
NO! They used music from Dredd and it just makes me want a sequel to that even more!
And how do you know that this man isn't a tolerant Mormon who is actively trying to push his religion towards a more tolerant and respectable perspective? I've met douchebag Christians, hypocritical asshat Atheists, loving Muslims, disrespectful Buddhists and I've met the polar opposites of each one. Generalizing an…
No, there are no guarantees that it'll be any better than the various tripe on the market, but I'll be damned if I don't help them try. You've got a pretty defeatist attitude on both fronts.
I feel like I lot of people are pissed off simply because the event was not what they expected. Sony said it was going to discuss "the future of Playstation," which everyone assumed meant that they would reveal their newest console. They never said it was an "unveiling" or a "reveal." Everyone got wrapped up in the…
There's a black guy...Right hand corner. Just saying.
I've never submitted on here before, I feel like I'm doing it wrong! Haha.
Hey, Rian, I just want to thank you for being a huge inspiration to this aspiring writer/director (and, I'm sure, many others.) I've seen all of your films now and your mastery of each genre that you blend together is fucking phenomenal. That being said, would you ever consider writing/directing a horror film?…
Hey, Rian, I just want to thank you for being a huge inspiration to this aspiring writer/director (and, I'm sure, many others.) I've seen all of your films now and your mastery of each genre that you blend together is fucking phenomenal. That being said, would you ever consider writing/directing a horror film?…