
I get this joke when others don’t

Looks like PC only. It was free on PS+ a few months ago, but this game should run on pretty low end PCs


“Although I’m sure his replacement would be almost as bad so it’s cold comfort at best.”

Thanks for sharing. We’d be a pretty boring site if we never ruffled feathers.

Your comfort is not worth my silence.

Fuck whoever filmed this.

It’s OK! You’re not the only one who didn’t follow, which is on me. I actually just added a bit more context to the article to ensure everyone gets the full story here.

Oh, agreed. Guy is a douche.

I want to star this, then unstar it so I can star it again.

You have to wait for the Playstation music to change, and then hit download. What should happen is that it will look like it’s downloading for a second, but then you’ll lose your connection to PSN. After that, get up and go to the bathroom—stare into the mirror. Your vision should fade, briefly. Return to the


Cartridges are rumored though, so perhaps hard drive space won’t be an issue.

And battery life.

Not to mention that this election is comedy gold. I’d be shocked if I went to a comedy show and they DIDN’T talk about the election.

I think I need some sleep, I just read “shelves of gods” in your comment.

Why wouldn’t he? His sensation and volume are great even after the surgery.

Im not arguing or disagreeing with you at all and I dont advocate getting animals high. Having said that, I’ll tell you about my cat. She has always, deliberately put herself directly into the most pot smoke she can. She seems to really love it and the one and only time I ever attempted to grow any, I had to pull it

Now playing

Pro skater and internet guy Steve Berra has had enough of EA not making any more games in the excellent Skate series. So he’s mobilising. This is a campaign I could get behind.