
All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.

see i didnt find that one all that funny from last weeks episode. i thought it was pretty predictable and short on actual jokes

Perfect! I had Riley edit this, so I shall forward it to him.

you should...the clips with her and kyle kinane where they feed lines to porn stars during a scene is priceless

Through the darkness of the franchise’s past, the viewer longs to see. One chants out between two worlds... “Twin Peaks... walk with me.”

It’s been established for a long time that it’s a lizard, and he’s drinking tea. I don’t see the problem.

I DID do that, because my physical copy didn’t ship on time. Physical copy is still in the shrink wrap. Hmm.

A game starring Norman Reedus with his Norman Feetus


sony: hey can you say fuck you to konami somehow

I just priced a controller out to 530 dollars... Holy balls....

Why should we even say or think ‘butch lesbians’? Do we put straight women into such rigid stereotypical caricatures? Isn’t this 2016?

I did the same and once I got passed the $100 mark I backed out. I’m hoping MS cost closer to the standard controller. I know the themed controllers they sell in store cost more but I’d be willing to pay a little more to get something that’s mine.

Mike’s post last week made me interested in this since he just ordered his son’s controllers. Now MS has an official line of doing it and I wonder what the price points will be. I’m hoping they can do more themes with the game licenses they own.

This BLEW MY MIND! I’ve been listening to both Letters to Cleo and the Josie and the Pussycats soundtrack and never made the connection. Thank you, this made my week!

I like Doom64 EX but wish the co-op worked better. Doom 64 is the only old-school Doom game I haven’t played through with my girlfriend yet.

Yeah, the sound effects are such a gigantic improvement over original PC Doom. Even the pistol has a bassy, authoritative BOOM which carries over to raw mayhem when the Chaingun is bursting it off 10+ times per second. The “click-click” of the shotgun pumping is the perfect conclusion to every shot, and the plasma

I unapologetically LOVE that movie! It’s mind-boggling to me how many people just...didn’t...get it. And it’s scary how much it works better TODAY than it did when it was made.