letstryand stayfocused

Hillary got paid to speak at Goldman Sachs. Donald has hundreds of millions of dollars in debt with Goldman Sachs. See? Completely different!

Hillary was too involved with Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms, so this really is the opposite, right?

If Democrats knew anything about the effectiveness of messaging, they would immediately brand this guy as “The Foreclosure King”.

Mnuchin and Two Chin


Sigh. He won the vote.

He spent the whole election telling us how unqualified he was for the presidency, but too many people refused to listen.

She took that back too.

Except that she believes he tried to poison her. But they patched things up. Because he is not a vindictive poisoner.

I’ve seen several Facebook posts with some variation of: “Sure Trump said some terrible things, but you millennials are just crybabies and need to get over yourselves. Let’s give Trump a chance to get rid of corruption in government.”

I see someone else remembers her flip flop on maternity leave.

This pretty much sums up her worldview on everything: How bad something is for humanity is directly proportional to how bad it is to her, personally.

Fucking yup.

Here is your White Trump voter, America.

Probably because he absolutely knows it’s best for the country, including all those that voted for him. And he’s a decent person.

That crowd wouldn’t piss on Trump if he was on fire.

Why should Obama waste even one second of his precious time schooling this fuckwit on how to do his job? Fuck that shit. Fuck being the bigger person. Fuck “doing what’s right.” Fuck being nice. Fuck all of it. Obama would be 1000% justified in walking out the door on 1/20/17, taking everything that’s his (including