letstryand stayfocused

That’s a BAD idea. The Far-Right in Europe are much more dangerous than what we have here and have the precedent and legacy of literal Nazis to live up to, and are only growing in strength. Europe is no bastion of tolerance and liberalism.

Oh no! The poor baby. He shouldn’t be worrying about this. He should never have to worry about his sexuality, especially considering ho young he is!

I teach middle school. Near retirement. Under the radar TS. Androgyny for survival. But hormones and the full deal. Had planned to come out soon. Not now. Not in this state in which I now live. A state which by choice provides no protection for us. And soon likely even less.

I am a 57 year old gay woman who melted down several times at work. I work with Republicans who supported Trump, but now they are realizing how bad he is for actual people they know. Since we are on the Left Coast their voting support did not put him into office, but now they are faced with the reality of their

I teach middle school. One of my students, who is gay, absolutely melted down today. We were there to help him out, but: still.

Jesus Christ. What have we done?

OMG Karl Rove was the Greatest Show on Earth that night. “What? Check those numbers again! I rigged Ohio myself! That can’t be right! Go do the math again!!”

Me too. Something always happens to make it worthwhile. I’m hoping they get Rudy or Newt to play the Rove part this year.

Watching Fox News when it becomes clear the Republicans won’t take the White House is good. Election night is the one night where you can’t really spin the news when the results don’t go your way. Until then it’s exhausting.

I always watch Fox News on election night. Their coverage can only be described as petty, messy, and extra.

Yes, but will it get to Karl Rove 2012 meltdown insanity levels before the end of the night?

My family is from the South. I’ve lived in a number of places throughout the South. This shit has annoyed me since I was about 16. It’s disrespectful. And if you’re going to speak to the press, use appropriate terminology. I have had my fair share of interactions with Southern cops, and only one did not leave me

The real tip-off was that the last cellphone ping from the two latest victims came from the area. Investigators came by with dogs. They noticed cyclone fencing was being put up, and then heard banging on the container.

What’s even more infuriating: reading up on the Superbike murders (the quadruple homicide he committed and confessed to), the case was botched from the start by DNA error:

The guy was posting, pretending to be them.

People are sometimes not very bright, especially when it comes to white guys.

If you read other news stories, the guy was destructive, violent and explosive from the time he was a child. He must have had a miserable life. A judge actually said he thought no juvenile facility could ever rehabilitate someone like him. Sadistic with other children animals even before the first horrible rape.

It’s been years since I looked at an online register of sex offenders but from what I remember you can’t see how serious the crime was. He lied about his crime to get his real estate licence and he could have lied to anyone else that came in contact with him. There is such a major difference between a teen commiting a

Nice try South Carolina, but you’re still not Florida!

I’ve been following this story in the news. It is truly disturbing on so many levels. Beside the murders that he committed previously which is horrible in itself. That poor woman being held captive like that. She had to watch her BF be murdered and suffer for months wondering when her turn was coming.