letstryand stayfocused

The people who are against being “politically correct” are the same people who insist on people being “patriotically correct.”

But how can they tell if they never see color. I mean, that’s what they keep telling us.

i need to go find a gif of jessica williams saying that beyonce is black. thats how i read your comment, in jessica williams’s voice.

She’s b-l-a-c-k.

I keep coming back to the idea that she is a genius. She doesn’t want to be First Lady. She gave an interview where, in order to excuse her reprehensible husband, called him a child. Now she has picked Trump’s most readily apparent quality to highlight as being a problem? I need the Honorable Kara Brown to rule if

To this entire family:

What is crazy to me is the number of conservatives lashing out on twitter about how much of a class act Melania is and how Michelle Obama has no class. I seriously can’t even process how anyone can see FLOTUS as not being a class act, regardless of politics. 

Uh have you met your husband?

I just...I don’t know. Does she simply not understand the english language? Is that it? Does she just not comprehend what she’s saying? Or is she so tired that the words aren’t even registering in her brain, she’s simply reading shit aloud and not paying attention? I also heard her say today that over the years Donald

The simple things are really the best.

The decayed wreck of youthful good looks? Check

Are those boogers or a weird septum piercing?

Class, boys. It’s all about style.

Although it depends on what you’re looking for in your bearded old man. Wild, angry eyes? Check. The decayed wreck of youthful good looks? Check. A beard that manages to be Old Testament-prophet in scope yet Satanic in vibe? Check.

Still somehow not worse than Michael Stipe.

I love it when Christians try to explain why they worship a Jew.

“You rarely see authentic portrayals of people of faith.”

Wait...isn’t Christianity based on some Jewish guy? What was his name? Remember, he had that blue car?

If only Ailes had the foresight to use the Donald Trump defense, he’d still be in charge of the Fox News Death Star instead of in a nursing home on Tattoine. Sad!

To be fair to Megyn Kelly - after Gretchen Carlson went public and Greta Van Sustren, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity took to the airwaves to smear her while performing fellatio on Ailes - Kelly’s pointed public silence SPOKE FUCKING VOLUMES.