No one cares about Pussygate anymore. Sadly, that tape came out way too soon.
No one cares about Pussygate anymore. Sadly, that tape came out way too soon.
Paraphilia, yes. Sex addiction? Not in the DSM.
“I am filled with regret because I got caught”
Yeah, better late than never for his rehab, but it also would have been better BEFORE NOW
OH FUCK YOU ANTHONY WEINER. If he was just screwing himself over time and time again, I might, possibly still feel bad for him. But now that he might be fucking the entire world, he FINALLY decides to go to rehab. Fuck off you narcissistic shitbag.
The last thing I thought would happen towards the end of this election would have been anything Anthony Weiner-related. I thought that Pussygate coverage would continue across all the major news outlets. But alas, Anthony Weiner is the gift that keeps giving.
I would like to forget that happened.
Oh fuck I forgot that happened.
Because he’s an “Accidental Racist.” And they are on purpose racists.
A video from a few months ago? They’re still pissed at the Dixie Chicks!
There’s like a CMA awards every two weeks right? I swear that’s what it feels like.
Oh Lord, I hope the local rednecks don’t find out. They’ll be fit to be tied. This town - well, the conservative side of it - is still mighty upset about the whole Formation performance. It’s funny, they are so quick to tell minorities to “get over it” when it comes to slavery or other injustices, yet they’re still…
LOL Beyonce and The Dixie Chicks. That will go over reeeeeeeeaaaaall well with the CMA viewers. A lot of them think host Brad Paisley is too liberal.
Well, she’s a white entitled idiot who won’t be affected if Trump wins so, OF COURSE SHE DOES.
Damn it, that attitude is fucking dangerous. Hillary is not safe. She has not been elected. The polls are uncomfortably close, and encouraging people to pull this morally pure shit plays right into Donald’s teeny hands.
If you’re a Sanders supporter, and he is a Clinton supporter, shouldn’t you currently be supporting the excutive branch candidate that he thinks will best help him accomplish his legislative branch goals?
I’m just picturing how Seventh Heaven would have handled the topic.
To steal their youthful essence and halt their own decay.