letstryand stayfocused

I’ll stick with Walking Dead thanks. My 9pm Sunday dance card is full with TWD, Shameless, West World, and Family Guy.

Last night did it for me. After 6 seasons I am throwing in the towel and walking the fuck away. First, the gore was out of control even for a show that never avoids gore. To me it went the way of the last few Saw movies where gore was all there was. Second, while the deaths of 2 main characters was shocking it didn’t

Their marriage is going to be so blessed and not just because they’ll be Mr and Mrs Awesome. If only he were Captain of something. That would have made this story even more awesome.

This is probably the only last name I would take.

If you’ve invested your entire, quite literal LIFE in this way of thinking, and you’re reaching the age where you’re starting to worry about your health, about your money, about your husband trading you in, I can see burying your head in the bullshit as some kind of misguided protective stance. Like clapping for

The women mostly being in this age group doesn’t surprise me and tells a sad tale of how those women see themselves - they are so determined to deny their own autonomy and personhood that they actively and passionately support a man who would happily legislate it away. It makes me happy that it seems subsequent

This logic I understand. I often ask myself, if Jeffrey Dahmer hated boys so much, why did he eat them?

I’m 100% with you. I gave up going for a six-pack years ago. In my 40s, I proudly sported a keg. In my 50s, it somehow became the whole brewery.

Screw the flat belly! Go you! Losing 76 pounds in 15 months is no small feat!! Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Some guys find going down on their partner to be a chore and possibly slightly gross.

I take offense to this as a person who has sucked a lot of dicks (I don’t actually take offense, tbc)

The best piece of advice I see in the article is the one that can’t be taught, and that is get into it and enjoy it. Some guys find going down on their partner to be a chore and possibly slightly gross. But if you view oral sex as a part of sex and not a prelude to it then the results can be fantastic. I totally get

Actually though this is something that I hate. Preferences in how you style your pubes/how other parties style their pubes is one thing, couching it in the language of “courtesy” or “cleanliness” or “grooming” is quite another. It’s not discourteous not to shave your face or armpits or less, or your pubes.

It took a pretty embarrasing amount of time for me to realize that. Now, whenever I hear that -

Hahaha man that’s the worst. You get really excited, they get really excited, the more excited you get the more they lose control of what they’re doing, you try to wait it out to see if they’ll come back to the really good thing that you just said “don’t stop!” to, but they don’t and it’s RIP lady boner.

Yeah, too many people think “don’t stop” means “faster!”

It doesn’t matter how much or little pubic hair a person has, as long as it is clean.

I feel like I nearly beat my boyfriend over the head like “don’t move do exactly that DO NO FUCKING MOVE”

But there’s one thing, above all else, that you should remember as she gets close to orgasm: do not change what you’re doing in terms of routine and pacing.