
She gon get that GLOBE too!! All of the awards for her, please 🙌🏻

If anything, I feel like it's challenging and reminding us how much stereotypes are such a huge part of our culture - that is the joke, he's obviously doing a "black" voice we recognize and then says it's "Chinese" which is another stereotypical voice that's used and we all know of.

In the end of this episode doesn't he say that he did it, that it "worked" (aka saving Harry's family)? How does he know??? This may be super obvious but I didn't catch it or see anything in the comments.

I guess I just consider the fact that they refer to it as a threesome, so they are sharing a sexual encounter together… still pretty rank in my book.

Haha I can get on board with that…but still… "incest-adjacent" is still to close to incest for me. To each his own….

Umm it's unbelievable that a normal person would turn down incest? IDK about that!

Nice review, Sonia! Really enjoyed this episode, such a compelling character and actress. Now I'm full on shipping Kevin and Nora… HARD.

Literally NOTHING happened in this episode. Just terrible.

But when Marcel first arrived, Elijah gave him the opportunity to choose that war wasn't the best choice and guide Klaus in that way and also give Tunde a better opportunity to do what he originally intended, yet he didn't… And he also could have given a heads up to Tunde of Klaus' plan that he (Marcel) was apparently

So…..Marcel brought that voodoo dude to New Orleans to get rid of Klaus, then helped Klaus defeat him, and then was sad his original plan didn't work? ……………. DOES.NOT.COMPUTE.

What Fiona got out of killing Nan had nothing to with a deal, but it's a step closer to killing all the potential supremes.