
From Jim, via email:

They absolutely do know. That’s why the two bald guys got so conciliatory and started making “you see how it looks” excuses to preempt the race card. Even while the one who doesn’t know is still trying to trap him a super predator.

The 4:57 mark when Ricky asks, “Do you know how many times I’ve been messed with by cops just for being black?”... and the officer behind him, moves up closer behind Ricky, looks at his buddies, and is seemingly fully prepared to whip something right off his gear belt.

Seriously. Fuck these guys. Either they don’t know what kind of dicks they sound like, or they do know and they just don’t give a shit.


That poor man, I hope he’s okay. What an ordeal — I mean, there was a black guy right by his fence!

I’m glad they are finally defunding Sesame Street. Kids today are too used to being given everything. In my day, if we wanted to watch puppets count to ten, we had to go and farm our own sheep, shear them ourselves, make wool, knit socks with needles we had whittled from trees we grew ourselves, stick our hands in the

Yeah, its low brow but he has the money to do with his things as he pleases.

Thirty years ago, when I was slightly (but not much) older than 5, I flew as an unaccompanied minor about 30 times per year. It might have been exciting the first time, but let me tell you that the 20th time you’ve flown by yourself as a 7 or 8 year old, it gets very routine and boring. I always brought a book and

Seriously not fun. I did once, had an agonizing 30 minute drive home fighting it and fighting it and was about 100 yards short of home when it happened. Threw out my clothing and took a long, long shower with lots of soaping of things — could have been worse; I could have been on an airplane.

The hell kind of chamomile-drinking PhD T.A. look is that? At an NFL presser?

I saw an interview of her where she was exactly like a little mini Aaron Sorkin. Like preaching against the media with what sounded like a word for word script from the Newsroom and being super haughty about it. I think I could deal with that but she seems to take herself pretty seriously these days.

I’ve watched him for years now. Every press conference, every interview, he seems like the nicest, most down to Earth guy. Obviously that’s not a lot to go on, but you can usually tell which players are the prima donnas, they just CAN’T HELP saying something stupid.

As hot as the gay rumours about Rodgers are, I find Munn, after watching her interviews including her on Colbert last month, to be staggeringly head-securely-lodged-up-ass self-absorbed. And phoney!

This is sort of how I see it, closetcase or not.

Chichi is a husband beater though.

“I really thought I could make it,

Have you ever pooped your pants? I did a few years ago, sober. Digestive issues, thought I could make it. All I needed was another 30 seconds. Thankfully it was in my driveway after getting off the bus. Cold sweat in the minutes before it happens, then your body betrays you and it just happens. Not fun, at all.

Bobby Age 5 was an unaccompanied minor on a flight from Detroit to New Orleans. Now two things to know about me as background are that 1) I have no kids, and 2) I’m not much of a talker on flights. I intentionally purchase over the ear noise cancelling headphones in hopes my fellow passengers get the hint. I’m