
So, do your partners “complain” about a smell or are they all natural too? Is summer a problem? Do your winter coats require airing out? (BTW: I’m not hating, I just want to understand.)

I dated that guy...

Go away...

Let’s keep our eye on the ball, please. (This is how progressives get side tracked.)

Looks good and campy to me. Anything that takes a jab at that thin-skinned cult is alright by me. (Yeah, I called it a cult!)

Let’s meditate, pray, whatever your spiritual practice over these 5 months. Don’t forget her jailers HATE her and have done almost anything to get her to give up on life. The time after commutation can be very delicate and dangerous for imprisoned people. Hang in there, Chelsea!

I’ve been wondering about this. But with Ted’s sorted past I’m sure the Transition Team doesn’t need another headache:

Actually, he has a history of being gross, so nevermind:

As someone said it smells a little of war profiteering...Unless he was planning to give the money to a reputable non-profit or something, it’s a bad look and actually kind of gross.

I’m sorry about what happened to you; Every family/parent/child is different and while abuse is abuse if this is simply a matter that they “differ in parenting styles” Paula and Robin need a mediator or therapy to work this through and then go to the courts if that doesn’t work. I don’t know if she asked him to stop

Instead of putting money toward anti-trafficking agencies...This is where the money is going.

Great point and a good idea, but let’s save our letter writing for other things. Shonda is sitting out this argument so let’s follow her lead:

Now playing

They wouldn’t dare take his night away from him. We’re in the “get down or lay down” phase of a takeover. Do you watch gangster movies? When a new regime comes in or you’re crew and the family has lost a battle, you either roll over/fall in line/do what you’re told, or lay down/get steamrolled over...This kinda

So wait, we post intimate conversations with loved ones on the internet now? That’s a thing?

Look at how quickly the major networks turned from critics to trying to curry favor with Trump. I knew they had no integrity, but who knew they’d willingly lose money by pushing TGIT back a week. He probably threatened them with limited access or something and made sure to ask for their highest rated night just to

I’m not Jewish but feel super uncomfortable with his name...Either way, he’s been a thing for a few years now:


Thank you! I never saw this/What is this show?


Sounds like a great plan, but there was nothing sweeter than sleeping late after rolling in at 4am then waking up and having lunch with friends. Then going out later and doing it all again (weekends.) Having fun in your 20s is amazing.