
Yes! I thought this would be posted on Jez, but alas not yet. Did you see the follow up? The Internet found her...I almost feel sorry for her, but not really...

Yeah, but while they’re famous it can still hurt. I think that story truly hurt Brooke Shields feelings. She already had a rocky relationship with her mother they were working through, and to make the ugly bits so public about her mother’s drinking made me uncomfortable to watch.

Okay, so it’s officially added to my bucket list. I think you’re right re: I should keep some on hand for true emergencies. Or happy times. Or if it rains. Or if it’s sunny. (Quality tea is appropriate for any situation.)

FYI: The late, great Sonia Rykiel swore by Mariage Frères!

If things get too rough, I always have a stash of Baroness Tea in the back of pantry as well. Loose, bagged, or bulk, I’ve been breaking into all my tea stashes lately.

Because they move heaven and earth and use whatever type of medical breakthroughs not available to the general public (like South Korean stem cell technology and placenta pate, etc.) to stay alive. Whatever their spiritual practice they seem really afraid of death. Isn’t David Rockefeller on his 8th heart transplant

THIS times 1000! I’m savoring each moment of of 2016, warts and all. Who knows what’s coming in 2017 so I’m looking at each moment as a gift.

According to the network, he’s fine! (Does anyone know if the Workers Comp guy answers his phone on Sundays, tho?)

Listen, I have no dog in this fight; I understand your point but I’m relaying what I’m seeing and kind of feel you’re disregarding it because it’s contrary to a more “comfortable” narrative for you. I invoked the Trump win because this is a time for soul searching. Are we going to continue to ignore facts because the

Now playing

How do you know I don’t work for the Federal Government? I’m thankful for my “deal” but am well aware of what workers in the private sector (stagnant wages, increased healthcare time, minimal paid family leave outside of FMLA that’s not really paid anyway, etc.) are dealing with so many issues my well-heeled, often

Isn’t it alleged no one will come out against her behavior in Hollywood because she and her family traffic the best cocaine in the country?

I live in DC too, and yes those people exist. But the other end of the spectrum exists and are quite pervasive as well. You have to admit that...Right?

I think there is a “West Wing” myth that government employees do their jobs for love of country and a desire to serve. As someone on the thread below said, the majority seem to be bored paper pushers who single out and marginalize other employees who want to streamline processes or innovate. Couple with the the

No, his money is good old-fashioned Lehman Brothers money; The “Onion Crunch” fake-ass French’s Onions idea is his and he’s riding it until the wheels come off. I wonder if this whole embryo thing is just to drum up publicity. Oh, he allegedly has no shame when hawking that sh*t. He’s that guy:

He’s actually really rich; This seems like his last means of trying to control her.


There’s a precedent for that:

False equivalence and my comment was not an indictment of America. This kind of myopic thinking re: If one doesn’t agree with ALL platforms of a candidate or position you must “hate America” has got to go. I have the right as an American to my opinion and to dissent. Oh, and I’m not a Democrat or Liberal, I’m a woman

C’mon, some of that “boom” had a direct correlation to segregation. See: Levittown, LI.

You “miss” him like one misses IBS pain when your dealing with wisdom teeth. You don’t really “miss” him, you probably miss that he was a little less inscrutable, seemed kind to children and animals, and had the “decency” to veil much of agenda until the very final campaign moments. Here’s an interesting article I