
This is the time to huddle together and find out what we’re all truly made of; Things are about to get dicey, so you’ll find out if your relationship is meant to last in the coming weeks, months, years. Mazel Tov!

Welp, in early November 2000 I sat in a room with other housing rights activists and laughed about the prospect of GW Bush being elected. W figured it could NEVER happen. When people on this blog said “Trump ain’t winning” I knew all too well that anything was possible when you put working class white people on the

SO MUCH FUN! I love Got 2 B Real and Legends Panel; The actors and production staff are mostly self-funded and really creative!

Welp, I had to put on a hat because my wig almost flew off due to my proximity to that scalping...You told no lies.

One of the best books about NYC and national politics I’ve ever read:

“Biracial” looks like a myriad of things (see Ms. Eartha Kitt) but if you mean it starts inner wheels turning with “fears” of miscegenation and people of color “passing” in their midst, then you might be correct.

No, I get it and thanks for reading it; It was the veiled language they used that really go to me. And I think as people who don’t pay much attention to royalty that we think this is all absurd, though the underlying issue is that this story is a mirror to upper-crust societies mores and how ridiculously low the

But if you’re gonna “play” blind, at least get a white cane. That’s a damn Charlie Chaplin cane! Who is he fooling!?

Not to be outdone by these Pieces of Sh*t:

Thank you! I think there’s a larger than we think contingent whom would be okay with him “sewing his oats” with a woman of color but freaked out by someone posh (of a royal bloodline no less) being in a committed relationship and openly “claiming” her (as the kids say.) His statement was unprecedented for many

This doesn’t seem like veiled language in motivated by “misogyny,” but alas we may have different views. (We ALL know what “crime” is a synonym for in the article below.)

Yes some women will NEVER be happy with whomever he chooses, but there has been some much veiled racism with this story down to the People Magazine and Vogue UK articles with tone of “we didn’t know ANY women of color could be well put together, let alone ‘enough’ to bag a prince!” As if her personhood is tied to the

With the sheer amount of horrible stuff that has happened on that land, this has the makings of a horror movie. I worked with a hospice Chaplain who visited Rikers regularly and he said the bad energy absolutely takes your breath away. I hate to sound flaky, but I wouldn’t get within 100 feet of that place, luxury

You can ALWAYS tell if someone is creeper weirdo if they use a photo from more than 3 years ago in an online profile. All of his photos are from “better days” re: 90lbs ago. I’m not attacking his girth, but it’s telling that he likes/liked to portray himself as more handsome and younger than he was. Just yuck re:

That’s why listening to one’s gut is important. I bet more than a few people have met him and been creeped out but didn’t know why. (Run from those encounters and don’t look back or be mad at yourself for “judging.”)

They’re so disconnected from reality they think that “normal” things will endear them to the electorate. They’re beyond humanity but want to appear human. Like this guy:

The part about the uncle’s girlfriend piqued my “Jessica Fletcher” senses. Even if the timeline is a little off re: when her moved her into the house after the wife’s breakdown and hospitalization, what if it was HER baby?

This! The guy I’m seeing wears a bathrobe cinched tightly with just boxers underneath and a baseball cap when he sees me off in the morning (I know, I know.)

Or at least had his toupee snatched; I would have started a GoFundMe campaign for that person’s bail.
