
Then Harry Reid needs to come out and say that/Find a way to synthesize that into a coherent sound bite or something because the media is making him look like someone’s desperate, grasping, crazy uncle.

I’ll bring the popcorn!

Keep spreading the word!

My bad; Either way, stay well out there!

You might be right:

But it doesn’t help when Harry Reid (who’s supposed to be an elder statesman of the DNC) makes specious claims that Trump is in bed with Russia. This is the time to rise above the stunts and raise the level of discourse. Maybe he had a momentary breakdown or something with all the BS that’s flying around...I need to

It’s not me talking, my late grandmother swore that dairy prolonged coughs, colds, and the flu. (And I respect the medical advice of older people who remember when “childhood diseases” could kill and runny nose could turn into pneumonia in two days...She lost her twin brother to measles when they were 4 years old.)

Are you trying to kill someone with all that dairy!? Phlegm for days!!!!

Gawker is gone; You have to let go. I know you’re looking for new places to troll but this isn’t the place. Godspeed you lonely hunter.

This! “Poetry” is trolling (or attempting to and it’s old, weak, and tired.)

Here’s a great book you might enjoy; I liked the nuance:

Mixed feelings on her; So many courtiers had an agenda at the time and history has softened our view of her, but it was alleged that she was a social climbing, mean-spirted, overt racist. (Not that there wasn’t overt racism in those circles, but she had the “bad taste” to be open about it.) So yeah, people can miss

Yes it would be an issue for the tight circle of old school (and old as water) courtiers that surround “The Firm.” That coupled with her being biracial (I’m a woman of color and hate to admit this out loud/write it) might be a deal breaker for them. But damn it, he’s his own man and we don’t really know what’s going

I saw that too! I was reminded of it by that story, but recalled the case from a Criminal Profiling course in undergrad.

THIS! - The story reminded me of the following Wiki article:

Exactly! Someone on another thread (another site) mentioned Kendall Jenner and I cringed. And I pray there’s no Cara Dela-whatever type stunt casting re: Kate Moss either. I have nothing against either model, but I don’t believe they can capture the mood of that time or how chic yet cheeky the Primrose Hill Set was.

I’m worried about life post-election. As you remember from that WW episode about suing the president, Trump supporters have to go “somewhere” with their grief, anger, and disenchantment. Nothing is set in stone (“Go outside, turn around three times and spit”) but the myriad of angry, conspiracy theory believing Trump

Hot cocoa (it’s cold here) as well as lots of popcorn and France24's English feed online...

Exactly! I’ll keep my Oreck TYVM!

Best advice I EVER got when I moved to Washington Heights and worked near the Yonkers/Bronx border: “Don’t be afraid to be rude.” I worked with a kind but tough Social Worker who was born and raised in the neighborhood and lived through the Crack Wars. She said one shouldn’t go out of their way to be rude to