
I've already cried multiple times today. My father was an awesome dad to my brothers but just clueless as to what to do with me. We were never close. When I left my abusive ex husband and went through an ugly divorce my parents sided with my husband, making him know he always had an open invitation and would always

Hey, they stole my tank tops from 1997!

I love how to these idiots that I am not a "real" American because I'm of Mexican descent. I can trace my family back to the 1500s in New Mexico! In fact, my ancestors have been here longer than my white husband's (1600s for him). Grrrrr.... I hate stupid people.

I keep reading it as Magic Mike too. My brain couldn't process what role he played. LOL

I have four daughters. When my oldest was 3 I put a stop to anyone commenting on her weight. I make sure they eat healthy and are active. That's good enough for me. I am making sure to not make my mom's mistakes.

Actually this was in 1997 but in California! She actually would buy cheesecake for my family and I wasn't allowed a slice.

This reminds me of when my mom put me on a diet pill when I was 16. I was such a fatty at 5'5 and 120 pounds according to her. Months later the pill was pulled due to causing hair loss and other fun stuff. Thanks mom!

My friends from my freshman year preferred prudes apparently. 11 years after the fact they are still talking smack on how "slutty" I was. One of them stupidly added me on FB not realizing they bad mouthed me under an old picture. That was a quick friend dump along with a nice message from me calling them out on their

Reading this makes me so happy that once my husband and I got engaged we decided to get marry a month later. I didn't have the time to get the "You should lose a few pounds" nerves/advice.