“No, no. It just seems that way, because you only have one shoe on.”
“No, no. It just seems that way, because you only have one shoe on.”
Jimmy Hoffa is rolling over in his grave.
This is a bad omen for a team needing a big defensive effort this afternoon.
Idiot On The Field Is Named Angel And Pagan.
Still would much rather have that than do whatever the fuck it is the Knicks are doing.
The process is in year what?
Do you think describing the worst case scenario makes it true? Nobody knows what’s going to happen to the sixers, but acting like it already failed is incredibly short-sighted. Nerlens Noel only a piece?Dude is gonna get a max contract this offseason.....Okafor being a sure thing? This isn’t the 90's, having a post…
How about not making knee jerk reaction laws that limits a judge’s ability to use discretion during sentencing. Ya know something that California has had a horrible, well documented track record with. These overreaction laws usually come with severe problems that no one, at the time, stopped to consider
Bad set of facts: Brock Turner’s light sentence.
You are a piece of shit if you’re laughing at someone’s injury.
So the 76ers are the Browns of the NBA, right?
You could bring up the most unsavory, reprehensible people our society has to offer. I still don’t think it warrants making our criminal justice system more draconian.
So, the next time a 18 yo has sex with his 17 yo gf, he’ll face a 3 year minimum sentence. Great law and in no way the panic reaction of a legislature hounded by social media!
I agree simply because I’m not a fan of any law that limits a judge’s discretion. California especially has a well documented history of making laws as a knee jerk reaction that don’t do anything except overcrowd their jails.
I’m really conflicted about this. I think mandatory sentences are generally a terrible idea. I also think judges are going to continue to treat sexual assault as a harmless little non-crime in which the perpetrators are the true victims as long as they’re legally allowed to do so. I’m honestly not sure which is the…
“Manditory minimums are terrible and need to be reduced! Except when I like them....”
No no no no no this is not how things get better. Goddamnit.
Steve Buffery is a fucking idiot. He is Marty York with a job.
Ive always thought locker room interviews were unnecessary.
Dont want to be ‘that guy’, but the Reds-Astros game you linked to did not featured a Griffey HR. Had two hits and an RBI.