
North Carolina born, Atlanta GA bred, and Pennsylvania raised. Lol And no thank God not all white people have an underline foundation of racism that subconsciously affect their day to day action and behaviors. This isn’t the 60s a majority are futurist whom judge people on an individual basis without predetermined

A “realest” (darn auto correct). And once again that’s your perspective which is a dumb one. I suppose you believe in the tooth fairy, easter bunny, and nemo as well. “A lot of people love Vick?” I fear your delusional symptoms are worse than I suspected. Please don’t pro create.

And you would know because you work for the UFC marketing department huh?? I’m glad you know EVERYTHING

Big Ben and Mike Vick play for the same team????? Yet Mike Vick gets petitioned by fans....buy I’m a race baiter...No I’m a real estate while some of us live in a delusional land where racism is as fictional as Santa. Wake up simp

“Race baiter” haha. That’s the common used phrased created by bigots and used by the ignorant to not have to own their actions when someone calls them out on it. DENIAL

Apparently you’ve never been to a D1 basketball game in the southern states. Alot of white racist fans and alums pull for their teams vigorously. That’s your perspective which with I whole heartedly disagree with. As long as there is willful ignorance and self justification for ones actions based on whatever helps you

1) This article is undoubtedly loved by the Donald Trump enthusiasts. 2) Ronda is not only showing zero class by even addressing Floyd in a measly attempt to cash in on the Mayweather money train in any way possible. 3) Ronda is currently dating a “married” woman beater, while at the same time defending women. (I’m