More of a “fuck off” wrenchingly, I would say
More of a “fuck off” wrenchingly, I would say
then I’m totally going to see it
I was so glad that they treated it like the bullshit gender bias issue that it is. You know who has peak vocal fry? IRA FUCKING GLASS. SIT DOWN, SIR.
They were all over this on This American Life earlier this year, so it’s kindof old news...
Is it wrong that when I read this I pictured the back peddling statement going as so...
I think we have enough of these now to do March Madness bracket. Please.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me he farted into a baby. Nothing surprises me anymore. Who exactly is he trying to win over in this election? He already offended minorities, immigrants, women, veterans. Who’s next? I’m serious. Who do we think he’ll offend next? Will he be brave enough to offend Christians?…
Don’t get me wrong, this guy is a nasty cruel sack of shit who probably needs to kill defenseless animals to compensate for his small penis. That said, over on Deadspin they’re calling for the guys address as well as his name. Sorry, but we don’t need his wife and children to be harrassed by the internet mob because…
If you’re looking to finish out the summer with something entertaining, compellingly dated and precisely worded,…
It’s amazing how many trolls online will say, “where’s the proof that this happened?” Here is your proof. No more anonymity, all guts. I applaud them.
It’s called having a “frap”.
It blows my mind how people used to dress. Like we made leggings as pants a thing and these women were in corsets and gowns all the time.
“Everyone else was having fun with us!!!111!”
This is the first dispatch from Meredith’s new baking column, Nothing Fancy.