Lets Just Drive

He's South Korean. He's there so a NorK doesn't come in and to stop Conan from going through to the North.

Amphibious Cock Ship? I suppose next you’ll tell me it’s full of seamen!

My babies are now 13, 15, and 16. My wife wanted a fourth, but three’s the max for me. (I can put three in the RX-8.)

An LPC would, I guess, be a Landing Platform, Command, or an amphibious assault ship carrying a dedicated corps headquarters and a large helicopter landing facility...ohh I see what you meant.

Owned multiple mustangs. Made a joke. Learned other Mustang owners can’t take a joke when it’s about their mass produced ride.

Agreed. I like the cut of his jib.

He’s by far my favorite Jalop writer. It’s because he’s a pretty entertaining and funny writer, but also because we all know someone like him—a well-intentioned guy who goofs up most of what he does, but every once in a while he can pull a rabbit out of a hat.

3rd-ed. fire everyone but tracy and torchinsky, and we’ll have an amazing crazy kind of site.

I want to second this. I think most gearheads, at least unsupervised ones without a lot of free time/$$ have done equally stupid things before. I know I have.

The yellow one might be overdoing it a little.

How you doin’?

also the poor poor birds

I feel violated says every tunnel...

Her attorney is garbage.

Goddamn onion-cutting ninjas.

What? No! Sad Mazdaspeed3 is now sad.

The amount of energy lazy people are willing to expend to be lazy is sometimes amazing.

Well I grew up in the PNW and have driven through the mountains countless times. I’ve interacted with logging trucks plenty, but possibly not on anything that fits the definition of a live logging road. I’ve been on abandoned logging roads.

Ignore the detritus which disagrees with you; with regards to Grabber Blue Mustangs, you are one correct mother-fucker.