If I Die Before I Wake I Pray This Maserati My Body To Take.
If I Die Before I Wake I Pray This Maserati My Body To Take.
You literally just wrote an article touting the value of low-com-denom thinking and suggested that’s okay as we’re incapable of better.
First, ask yourself, “If my car weren’t a little tattle taleing bitch, would I even know slash care?”
More stars here please.
Read the headline; rolled my eyes.
“... order food, tell people what terrible parents they are, masturbate...”
That’s an odd stance for you to take, Raph.
Okay, sure...
The beauty of the internet is that it never forgets when you ask a dumb question.
Wow, I feel dumb.
I’m confused as to how the fact that the bicycle in question was part of a ride-share program has anything to do with anything. Fundamentally, another cyclist was killed by a motorist and this is hardly news, right?
Britain is having an inception moment; it’s having a nightmare within a nightmare and everyone just wants to know how to get Chris Evans to brexit Top Gear.
Another Jalop said basically the same thing, so I’ll just leave that answer lurking the depths for you to find but suffice to say; the above car illustrated something in the actual car which I’d never noticed and now cannot unsee.
Absolutely agree, and the white/black contrast highlights what I’m talking about which, and you may not agree, I think is evident in the 488 now and to me after seeing this car in particular.
I’m sorry.
Car guys: You don’t want the first generation of a car. Wait for the second model, they’ll have fixed a lot of the bugs.
“Excuse me sir, I’m going to need you to BREXIT the vehicle.”
Right there with you. Those tall tail’s are... they don’t work well for me. I get it, some people love that cross-over looking rear end, but I just want normal tails.