Lets Just Drive

Give them 6-8 years. There’s no cache to exploit, or for that matter maintain, meaning they’re free to enter the luxury market with entry level products which won’t take away from their luxury cred, since they haven’t really any on which to trade as of yet.

Have you ever been so gassed that your brain suddenly flipped a switch, changed gears and left you standing there, panting and sweating, asking yourself, “What the fuck am I even doing?”

Isn’t “NYPD Cops” redundant?

This is the problem with the media reporting facts without context.

If only we had the technology to communicate between units and responders faster and more quickly than criminals in cars can cruise.

Real talk, are we over the Forza vs GT debate now?

How about this tiny, Mattual Aston?



Dear Americans,

The title implies my not being okay is an option.

Stop it right now.

You’re caught in the box, Torch.

There’s this voice, often small and quiet, which lives in the too rarely visited rational parts of our brains. That part of our minds, the sensible aspect of ourselves, can be a wonderful tool and wise guide when heeded. That voice, however, can only be heard when we chose to listen to it. It can only shout as loud as

The rear wing caught in the header pic makes it look like this RR is running front down force in the form of a front, hood mounted wing. Supported by “obviously expensive modified” in body.

2010 was six years ago...

“Oh, and the officials are calling for a drive thru penalty for cutting the track....”

We need in-car audio for this.

“I work for Google.”

I see Ford’s all the time. There’s one in my driveway.