You think those in the stock market would already know this if you’re betting money on a companies new product whose name isn’t even the only one when the game launches.
You think those in the stock market would already know this if you’re betting money on a companies new product whose name isn’t even the only one when the game launches.
Investors are confused!
Aw man. I suck. Well, I’ll just go fuck myself then.
You should read the article. It’s a good one I think!
Oh no...Michael Jordan is going to be sad if this happens. I wish there were some visual depiction that I could share to show you how sad.
Its also called a Death Valley Driver. At least its wasn’t a Burning Hammer
They’re not doing anything to hurt you, but they are hurting the devs, especially if the devs are small.
If a feature no one knows how to use breaks, is it really broken?
World record holder in the javelin catch.
O.J. as in Orenthal James Simpson AKA “The Juice”. Go sit in the corner.
+1 cup of lean
“It must really suck to be friends with Gilbert Arenas.”
3. The victim has a police record!
What just floors me- and it shouldn’t, I should be used to it, but it does, is that there are two instant reactions I see from a certain group of people whenever these tragedies happen:
Possession arrow? You play some classy hoops partner! Here’s the way to go. One team shoots for ball. Team that wins stays on and automatically gets ball first in the next game.
You forgot “Don’t jack three’s like you’re Steph Curry. You are not Steph Curry”. That guy is the worst, and it’s a sure-fire way to make sure you are never passed the ball again. There’s one at every game who takes the ball just over half court and then chucks one up because shockingly no one is defending him that…
Jump ball? In a pickup game?
Sony owns the rights to Spider-Man. They didn’t have a buy an exclusive.
why reinvent the wheel? because there hasn’t been a good spiderman game since spiderman 2 and before that was spiderman ps1.
It’s not that weird when you consider that he’s a bitch.