
I have been killing for this on the PS4. I have a preference for playing this on a console (fuck off) and a remaster of it is just delightful news.

I never played the original Dark Souls. I loved demon souls, but my personal favorite of the series is Bloodborne. I enjoy the more agressive combat, fluid dodging, and regain system. It’s just a personal opinion, obviously, but the combat system is better than in any of the other games, to me.

It’ll be all fun and games until they’re back down to 5 fps in Blighttown.

In case you nerds need it (and judging by most of the parodies I’ve already seen, you seriously do), here’s an animated After Effects template I made of the Overwatch Play-Of-The-Game text, available for your downloading and parodying pleasure.

Shit, this breaks my heart.

You did it! You were the first to comment on a PS+/Games with Gold article to say that the free games suck! Congratulations, you special snowflake!

Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.

This is just ridiculous.... I mean it’s a game for fuck’s sake and i love games as much as the next guy/gal, but really? Are these really adult people? How do they even function in society is probably the bigger question.

The beta went on for months, people had plenty of time to put together cosplays.

if your over a year behind thats your fault and you probably shouldnt be clicking links having to do with GoT if thats the case.

Screw Bastion, the REAL crime is the absolute disdain PotG has for healers.

Yes, I zipped around the map with Mercy, healed five people at critical health in the middle of a firefight, healed a Mei straight through a Roadhog hookshot/shotgun (letting her turn around and murder him), then damage boosted Pharah 60 feet

While Bastion definitely has counters, there are a lot of issues at play here, some of which you addressed. The fact that it’s so incredibly easy to be highly effective with him is frustrating as an opponent, he is typically set up pretty far down range so you’re going to have to get past the rest of his team to get

Nice try, Bastion player.

One issue I’ve found though is MULTIPLE Bastions or ones supported by Reinhardt/Mercy/Torbjorn (moreso the former to block incoming chains, deflects, etc.). Put in a little time with the beta and about 5 into retail yesterday haha and that’s my current dilemma.

Regardless of how you feel about Bastion, I think we can all agree that the memes are hilarious

It’s a game for people who love abusing games and laugh at glitches.

I think people are more in love with the game’s aesthetic.

The characters are very well designed, with lots of vibrant personality. The “pixar-like” cinematics are also helping the audience to create emotional attachments to them.

Yeah I don’t get it either. The game is pretty fun, but nothing that special :/.

The age of Halo is done and has been since about 2008.