
I discovered this movie a year or so ago when some local TV station showed it late at night. The nice thing was that it was all in beautiful HD, and it looked superb. I missed the title at the time but was fully engrossed and I had no idea what it was. I was convinced that it was some kind of Criterion release, and

Can't say I technically made it through Beyond the Black Rainbow but it was the first movie that I've actually just fast forwarded through just to get to the end. What a huge disappointment that was. Still a little sad about that.

It's sad that the bleeding-heart-libs keep trying to shut down this research.

I'm all for bringing back the word "butt." Butt head, kiss my butt, etc. Such a rich heritage of expressions! "Ass is crass"! Get the word out!

It's interesting that they chose to steal the joke from Idiocracy that was vaguely poop-related, and that it's funny for kind of the same reasons—but not quite. Also Idiocracy uses the word "butt" which is actually funnier in its context.

Holy shit I just watched Leviathan on Netflix and wondered whether people back then knew it was so blatantly ripping off Alien, The Thing, Abyss, etc. I wondered if maybe before the internet and easy access to videos if it was just easier to get away with stealing ideas.

I thought critics didn't like The Fall at all, though. Or did they? All I know is that it was and is incredible.

Let's start a thread about movies so terrible that we walked out of them. Mine were The Shadow and Van Helsing. Maybe you could half-count Star Trek: Insurrection because the film broke and we were invited to come back later to finish it and I never did.

I can't articulate why and so it doesn't count for anything, but even I thought the constant butt jokes were pretty funny. I was something like 14 or 15 when these aired, and I loved the Satan guy with his butts. It was because they did it so much that it was funny to me. Thank you for your time.

I looked up what they made… Ahhh, real monsters…. I detested that show even more than this one. It just felt like watching garbage.

Now that I've read the article I feel bad for posting this. It's just that I could never get past the ugly/stupid drawings in this show (which is weird because I loved Ren and Stimpy). I did love all the three original NickToons (although Doug) was pretty boring at times. But this… The black kid had a cylindrical

Got the first 2 "seasons" of Ren and Stimpy (the only real ones to me) a couple of years ago for Christmas. They are astonishing in that they even exist. I was lucky to be around at just the right age and time (10 or 11) for those wonderful cartoons.

"Can't stand this wretched show or its wretched drawings and artwork. Give me Dexter's Lab any day."

The Shadow was the first (and only until Van Helsing) movie I walked out of because it was so terrible. I was 12 and I was watching it with my dad. I had this weird feeling of shame at having suggested the movie but also pride at leaving halfway through because we couldn't take it anymore.

Not to mention vivid close ups of whatever some character happens to be wearing!

Not to mention vivid close ups of whatever some character happens to be wearing!

I remember thinking the exact same thing watching Big Daddy when I was 17. Like, "That Rob Schneider is such an idiot, but at least he looks like he's having fun doing this shit."

I remember thinking the exact same thing watching Big Daddy when I was 17. Like, "That Rob Schneider is such an idiot, but at least he looks like he's having fun doing this shit."

He was the Glee of a former generation, then.

He was the Glee of a former generation, then.