I want to hate this... but I can't for some reason.
I want to hate this... but I can't for some reason.
$kay, I like your out-of-the-box thinking
That should be on a t-shirt!
This reminds me of that Top Gear episode when they were talking about how people from a certain part of the UK couldn't say things, like burglar.
Travis Switzerland has a nice ring to it. (I kid, of course)
Bless you for that comment. I just fell off my chair. XD
I'm loving the blend of the Gulf Livery and Nyan Cat
Now...for the Alfa version. (Please look like sex, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!)
Wow. Just...wow.
I actually think that's pretty fucking awesome!
I guess they tried to meld the look of that concept while keeping the look of the old XC90.
I see no harm from putting it on the market.
I wonder, in addition to turning ESC off, did he switch the mode on the wheel to Corsa.
It took me a second to realize there was something up in this pic