
"We're about to have the angriest dad.........in the world"

I read that in May's voice

Some say that water never touches him because he is at a constant temperature of 100°C.

The stereotypes for those lifted trucks are well deserved, especially because of the bros that go around "rolling coal".

If that were normal ride height, I'd agree with you. But to each his own.

I get the NACA ducts on the front facia have a function, but they make it look ugly. Dat ass though...

This GIF reminds me of a movie I watched as a child called, "Lola La Trailera", or in english, "Lola the Trucker". /randomness

Careful, you might get sued for that. Ha!

I thought those were supposed to be good cars, especially the R.

Didn't it have a GM V6?

And we got that as the Chevy Malibu Maxx.

For some ungodly reason, I always liked that factory body kit. If it came with a turbo 4 and AWD, it could have been the (then) new GT-Four.

The want is strong

Why would you be on the Van Wyck? Are you a masochist?! (just kidding)

Orlove, you're adorkable.

It was just like the Vauxhall Signum


The owner couldn't at least pick British Racing Green, and leave the wheels alone?
