
You just KNOW it was more about “letting people at Mar-A-Lago see how cool and important he is” than it was about actual national security. “Ooh looky me I’m president doing president stuff!” (Meanwhile Bannon pulls out a literal camera to hold over classified docs while Toddler In Charge smug mugs for the camera).

yeah but how else was Putin supposed to make a decision about all this? leaders need to be informed.

Kids are having less sex because AIDS and herpes and stalkers came around! My parents’ generation (i.e. this judge’s too) used up all the guilt/judgment-free sex & drugs. Just because people didn’t used to write blog posts about all the sex they were having in 1970 doesn’t mean everyone was sitting home with a penny

He’s so full of shit. I hate this “back in my day” no one was fucking bullshit. It’s 100% not true. Teenagers have always had sex, and rape has always existed. He’s of the Bill O’Reilly ilk of old men who fantasize about a time when a loaf of bread cost a quarter and women kept their damn mouths shut. I can’t wait for

Key parties started in the 70s. Which is a sexual proclivity. Rape of 14 year olds and feeling free to use young children for sexual gratification seems like it should be classified as something else altogether.

Also, several studies are showing that teens and young adults today are less sexually active than their parents were at the same age and are (on average) expected to have fewer sexual partners over the course of their lives. Researchers are all pointing to the time we spend on the internet as an explanation. So this

And this isn’t about “proclivities” any more than it is about social media; this is about a girl who said “no” and a man who went ahead and did it anyway. It’s really not that fucking complicated.

Shit. Maybe he was raping in 1970 and that’s why he went this way. Because he doesn’t rape now no more or something. Because marriage. WTF.

Obviously someone wasn’t invited to the orgies.

I was gonna say, how’d he get to be judge with such shitty math skills? 1970, yo! The Quaaludes Generation! The discovery of the clitoris! Hot tubs, swingers, orgies! Nope, no teenagers having sex back THEN, no way.

Translation: None of those hippy chicks would sleep with him so they must not have been sleeping with anybody.

When I was 19 years of age, the sexual proclivities of young people wasn’t anything, anything like I see today.